@sneezles61 lets continue the raised bed building discussion in a more appropriate place like a new thread for next season.
If anyone has indoor, greenhouse or container gardens I wouldn’t mind hearing about those as well. I’d like to get at least one bed set up in the next month and get some asparagus planted along with a few fall greens.
I thought this was a cool idea for raised beds but maybe a bit expensive. I haven’t priced materials yet. I was thinking something like 3x8 and I like the idea of taller ones but that would require a lot more fill as well. I could find some fill dirt on my property or from the woods but it wouldn’t be sanitized which is one of my goals for getting my garden above ground.
A couple of my neighbors up the road have pretty elaborate raised beds with hooped covers and trellises. One told me he’s using trex as replacement boards in his raised beds. I didn’t ask about toxins in that stuff but figured I’d look it up. I’ll wander up the road one day and check out theirs and get their input too.
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Alright… I like the link…
That gizmo you had there is probably a very good garden box… Keep the base off the ground a bit…allow moisture to not stay in contact… It’ll out last about anything you could build… And probably for the same price… Just need to figure some kinda cap to put on top… Hard to balance a schooner of brew on that 20 ga. Steel… 
Then… to make some kinda hoop/cover look at 1/2" pvc pipe… Don’t glue them… Maybe you’ll need to store them away when it’s warmer out…
Another very cool concept, should you be a very crafty carpenter, is to build a gothic arched frame green house… You’d set up jigs of sorts in your garage and manufacture halves of a frame… I guess you’d call them trusses… Take them out, assemble them on a foundation… Cover with twin wall polycarbonate … Oh my goodness… There you’d have something to drool about…
POP! it’s just a dream…
You could set the galvanized container on gravel with weep holes drilled in the bottom for drainage.
I could build a 30" high 4x8 container for probably $150 maybe a little more if I want a nice 2x6 ledge/seat around the top. That galvanized container costs as much as two of them and is a good bit smaller but would likely last much longer.
Green treated wood is through the roof up here…
I would set the box on either pavers or concrete bricks… On top of the ground… Yeah, fill the area up with rock to the top of the bricks… some fabric, set a few bales of straw in the bottom and shoot for 16" of soil on top…
I built my daughter some nice ones with cedar out in Colorado. She lined the sides with plastic to slow evaporation and filled it up with sticks and leaves with a foot or so of soil on top. The neighbors made some with the ever popular metal roofing that looks cool but I would think gets to hot. Of course you guys aren’t faced with the dry heat like CO
No way I’d use treated wood. That stuff is full of toxins that will leech into the soil and your vegetables.
The older stuff was riddle with toxins… The newer products are clean… And not as good at “preserving” wood from rot…
It’s called green because of the copper is it not? I’d rather not have copper in my food.
I wouldn’t use although you can line it, it doesn’t look as nice as redwood or cedar
I’m with you Danny… Hence my going to build with tin/corrugated metal panels… I see lots of them on line… Gives me ideas… But the frame needs to be wood… Maybe stand up the sheets as opposed to laying them down… The strength is in the ribs/corrigation …
I’ve got a long time to plot and scheme about this…
This looks interesting. $169 + 20 for shipping, for 3.5x6.5 is comparable to what it would cost in wood materials to build.
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The ones I saw out of rust metal roofing were of course vertical with just a band around top and bottom very simple
Yea home depot has 8 foot by 25" galvanized roof panels for about $15 each. That’s about equal to one cedar 1x6x8’ so that’s a no brainer cost comparison. Those look nice.
Noticed that guy has the PT on the ground band just the cedar on top. The ones I saw had the corners made of wood as well. Could make the wood out of reclaimed wood.
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I like the metal corners. Less to rot. Virginia is high humidity and moisture so less wood is better.
Then the plastic recycled wood may be a viable option… Never rots… Just sits there… Better than in the burying it in the landfill…
Don’t use concrete blocks… Too much alkaline and most garden plants won’t produce and even not fruit…
Some good ideas here for galvanized raised beds. Theirs may be a little over engineered?
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Of course you can just collect a bunch of discarded tires and stack them or old garbage cans. Depends on what the wives tolerate
Fellow in upstate NY just won his court battle. Toilets filled with plants are art. He has plants in them told the town it’s freedom of expression art if you will. Courts agreed.