So, I started my first kit tonight. I think I might of screwed up already, but can’t turn back now. So I thought the Easy clean that came with the kit was the sanitizing solution. Turns out the Metabisulphitie powder is the sanitizer. Basically, I didn’t use this, is this critical? I have read a few posts that look like the alcohol typically kills off any bacteria. Any thoughts on this? Also, should I put water in the airlock? I thought I read somewhere that this had to happen…
You’ll just have to wait and see what happens with the Easy Clean. You do need to put water or cheap vodka in your airlock.
So do you think I will be able to taste it after going through the second ferment process? Obviously, I don’t want to bottle wine that is no good.
Not exactly sure what easy clean is? Is it a standard chlorine based cleaner? If you used this to clean your gear first everything would be sanitary afterwards. So long as you rinsed off the residue you are absolutely fine. I’m actually surprised sulphite would still be included as the sanitizer. If you use something like star san or whatever for your beer, use it for wine as well. Much more effective than sulphite(that’s old school).
If you did not put water in your airlock right away you should still be ok. Once the fermentation starts it will push everything out. It becomes much more important when there is less gass coming out of the wine later on and oxydation becomes an issue.
Hey! After I locked the bucket and put the airlock down. I realized, while reading through the kit’s directions, that I didn’t use the sanitizer. I went immeditately to this blog to see if I tainted the batch. I went over and put water in the airlock about 10 minutes after sealing, so i am guessing this shouldn’t have any negative implications.
The easy clean looks like it might be an oxidate based cleaner? It is called LD Easy Clean. This fermenting stuff is far outside my scope, but I am learning :lol: I read a couple other message boards through a google search and other individuals seem to be having luck with it. I washed the equipment with soap and water. Next, I filled the sinks with water and added easy clean. I am hoping this turns out. I am in the process of ordering another kit. Can I purchase Star San right through Northern Brewer?
If I remember right, Easy Clean is basically the same thing as One Step. Though I’d think there must be some difference, otherwise I’m not sure why LD Carlson would be selling them as two separate products.
According to a source I ran across a few weeks ago they both kill germs, just not quite efficiently enough to get regulatory approval as a sanitizer.