No flat rate shipping?

I’ve always had excellent service from NB, but am I alone in wondering if their prices are competitive anymore? I brew about 12 all-grain batches per year and have always found the all-grain kits to be expensive compared to the competition. But I continued to use NB because the service is excellent, and because the flat-rate shipping favors my brewing style (I buy 3-4 kits at a time, and reuse the yeast through all the batches). With the continued high cost of the all-grain kits and the disappearance of the flat-rate shipping deal, I have to admit NB seems out-priced by the competition. Sorry guys. Not a rant, just disappointed :oops:

I think this topic has been beaten to death already.

There are 3 threads in the last month on the topic.

[quote=“Nighthawk”]I think this topic has been beaten to death already.

There are 3 threads in the last month on the topic.[/quote]

Agreed Locking ... -shipping/