Picked up my grain for a sweet/oatmeat (sweet-meal) stout wednesday, for a brew session today. I had forgotten my “list” in my rush out the door so had to call back home for the ingredients…got them and stopped at my LHBS.
since i use a 5 gallon cooler and still use my extract pot, my usual session is for a 3 gallon batch. But, in my haste, I forgot to cut my 5 gallon recipe to 3 gallons and purchased the 5 gallon grain bill. So, last night I decided that I’d press ahead with the 5 gallon bill, mash the full amount, and then cut the runnings into two pots.
I went with a 1.25 ratio, so with 12.5 lbs grain I struck with approximately a tad more than 15 qts. Geeze that sure filled the 5 gallon tun and it was as thick as oatmeal . It took a while to stir in the entire 12.5lbs, but once done i had only enough room remaining in the tun to firmly close the lid.
Mashed for 90 minutes and then proceded with the run-off. I only got about 9 qts back from the 15. I had 12 qts ready for the sparge but only 8 would fit as the grain was satuated. I let that sit for 20, then vorlauf, and drain. I then added the remaining 4 plus another 4 for a second sparge…20 minutes later, vorlauf and drain. I ended up with approximately 6.5 gallons of 1.048 wort after the two sparges and subsequent draining.
Post boil, I have just under 5 gallons of 1.068 sweet stout. If the final is even half as tasty, i’m in for a real treat. But next time, I’m just going to do 3 gallons as this was quite a bit of work.