So this recipe calls for a step mash. I’m not set up to do step mashes and from what I understand they are rarely, if ever, needed anymore. I am hoping the wiser, more knowledgeable heads might have some suggestions as to a good temperature for a single infusion mash.
I also find the call for 5 ml of lactic acid during the mash strange. Why wouldn’t I just run my normal water calculations and add whatever amount of lactic acid I need to get to the proper pH?
Everything I came across suggested a medium bodied beer. I would shoot for 152° or 153° mash temp.
I wouldn’t just haphazardly use the lactic acid. I would do as you suggested and use your calculations to obtain proper pH. Not sure where you got the recipe but the OP’s water prob needs it and he/she posted it.
[quote=“Loopie Beer”]Everything I came across suggested a medium bodied beer. I would shoot for 152° or 153° mash temp.
I wouldn’t just haphazardly use the lactic acid. I would do as you suggested and use your calculations to obtain proper pH. Not sure where you got the recipe but the OP’s water prob needs it and he/she posted it.[/quote]
All of this! ^^^^ Make water additions becasue you need them for YOUR water, not just because they’re in a recipe.
Thanks guys for the advice regarding mash temp and water adjustments. I shot for 152, ended up at 150 so I guess it will end up being a bit more light bodied. I will say the WY 3787 has been a monster. Pitched a 1.5 qt starter, been fermenting at 66 and don’t ever recall so vigorous a fermentation.
Another odd note, I did find that the wheat did push the mash pH with my straight Portland water up high so I did end up having to add 5 ml of lactic acid to get to the right pH. Not that the recipe author could have known that!