If I had to drink a crappy commercial beer it would be

Does Yuengling count? They have a decent variety, I wouldn’t mind a free life-time supply of their beers if I were to give up other brewers in exchange.

If not, ummm… probably would switch to wine, to be honest. Macro american lager just doesn’t do it for me, never has. Not even all the ones mentioned in this thread.

I’d go booze-free before I went to the “hard stuff”. I’d rather drink nothing but PBR.

[quote=“alanzo”]Does Yuengling count? They have a decent variety, I wouldn’t mind a free life-time supply of their beers if I were to give up other brewers in exchange.

If not, ummm… probably would switch to wine, to be honest. Macro american lager just doesn’t do it for me, never has. Not even all the ones mentioned in this thread.

I’d go booze-free before I went to the “hard stuff”. I’d rather drink nothing but PBR.[/quote]

Depends on the Yuengling to which you refer: “Yuengling Premium” is fairly lackluster and is pretty much like every other crappy BMC type of beer.

But “Yuengling Traditonal Amber”, and their Porter, Ale, and Bock beers are all fairly decent, and I’d never categorize them as crappy.

[quote=“ACKbrew”]PBR is for HIPSTERS!!! I think they have an offer running: Buy one 30 pack, get a free pack of American Spirits, and a coupon for skinny jeans.

That said, I love Miller Lite. They wouldn’t print it on the side of the can if it weren’t true: Tasetes great, doesn’t fill you up. You can drink 100 of them, and wake up the next morning feeling like a million bucks! ! Ice freekin cold, great bet.[/quote]

If My grandpa heard you say that he would pull out his .357 and make you dance.

PBR is always fine with me, and I’m not young, hip or even close. Narragansett is a fine pick up as well.

White can genny

I always have PBR on hand, just love it.

Old Milwaukee

Before I discovered real beer…I used to love Busch Light…so I’d try it again!

My fall back beer is hands downs Coors ORIGINAL baby… in the can!!!

yuengling amber. I live where there is little to no better options, so I drink it too often at bars. I don’t group it with the other usual suspects, though. It’s the only non home brew or craft beer I’ll put in the fridge for friends.


It’s funny to all my friends that I like this stuff, after I destroyed their beer budgets by introducing them to ‘real beer.’ But, hey, Old Milwaukee has a unique sweetness to its taste that I like, especially when I’m in a hot environment (e.g.: camping, Indy500 or NASCAR race, etc.) and ready to drink a lot of 'em.