Hopefully everyone can calm me down a bit and tell me I’m over reacting and everything will be fine
Brewed a 5gallon batch of oatmeal stout this weekend. Pretty much after the decision to brew I proceeded to make mistakes along the way.
- started at 8PM on Friday night (~20F degrees)…never doing that again
- drained water into mash tun and started pouring in grains and mixing the grains
- realized I didn’t close the valve on the HLT and by the time i finished mixing the grains was up to 12 gal in my HLT when I should have only had 4
- decided not to waste anything an let the mash rest
- since I didn’t have more than a gallon in my HLT, I had to get about 8 gallons into the HLT and up to ~170F so that the HERMS coil was covered so that I could recirculate mash
- due to the cold and time to get the HLT water up to temp, my mash dropped ~140F degrees after an hour.
- got mash up to ~160F degrees to mash out…so probably a 90min mash
- drained all the wort into the boil kettle, ended up with about 12 gallons for only a 5 gallon batch
- decided it was too late and I screwed up too much already so I left the wort in the boil kettle and went to bed
- boiled wort the following day probably about 120mins to get it down to about 7gallons before adding in the hops
- with about 15 mins left, added in yeast nutrient and whilfloc tablet and went to turn on the pump to recirculate and sterilize all my tubing/plate chiller
- pump wont turn on…frozen due to water left in it from previous night
- decided to dump the hot wort into a better bottle and let it chill outside since it was ~20F
- near boiling wort and better bottle = melted better bottle
- grabbed bucket fermentor (luckily this one didn’t melt) and drained boil kettle
- let fermentor sit outside (lid on with airlock) for about 4hrs until i got it down to ~70F and pitched yeast
- as I type this right now I hear the sweet sounds of fermentation happening.
So…aside the fact that I’m and idiot, should my batch be OK?