So yesterday was one of those days where everything seemed to go right. I brewed my own, new recipe for an IPA featuring Falconers Flight hops. I decided to build my water profile completely from distilled and used the Pale Ale profile in Brunwater. Got it as close as possible using 4 different salts (gypsum, epsom, NaCl, CaCl2) measured out the day before.
Weather was a bit brisk in the high 30’s to low 40’s but the sun was shining and I was having a couple of brews with my buddy so I barely noticed the temps. Got everything setup and let 'er rip.
I decided to go with the tighter mill gap that I went with last time that resulted in an annoying sparge that would randomly stick. Well this time I think I figured it out (I hope anyway). I only opened the mashtun valve halfway and drained it a bit slower. This resulted in getting every single drop of water out. That’s the first time I’ve ever been able to do that. It was glorious
Got 5.5 gallons into the fermenter and measured a little over 78% efficiency. I was expecting 70% so it was a bit higher than expected (1.069) but nothing to worry about. Chilled it to 65 in the kettle and transferred to carboy and took it downstairs to the fermentation chamber. Aerated and pitched 2 packs of US-05.
Everything went smooth and I was done in 3.5 hours from setup to cleanup. All in all a great brew day!
Anyone else have a good brew day this weekend?