Garden Plans

We started a bowl with spinach seeds yesterday… In about 2 weeks, we’ll get another bowl going…
They are about 14" across and 8-10" deep…
I don’t know about planting peas on Friday… Seems as though we have to deal with snow Thursday… I can see the dirt in the boxes now… And I haven’t checked the soil temp yet…
I’m going to make some boxes for growing carrots… Elevated off the ground…

Finally… albeit a month behind…. Peas, spinach, lettuce and carrots are planted…. A few more boxes to prep up and the dirt work is done… for now

I’ve been working on a couple gardens. A cabbage patch and a terraced herb garden. Started some cabbage seeds. Still waiting for bud break on my vinifera vines. They are grafted on German Riesling rootstock. Everything seems to be taking their time.

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I was all around my grapes the last couple day… didn’t really look at them…
When I go wandering about this am with a cup of coffee, I’ll take look… we are expecting rain, off an on today… maybe I’ll see if I can find the floor in the garage… too many projects and I sometimes don’t clean up my toys…

That is my carrot container…. I did screen the dirt with 1/4x1/4 mesh… we’ll see if it works.

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This is my pea planting gizmo… wine corks cut in half and screwed to a board at 3” intervals… it’s only about 4’ long… but makes planting easier…


Very clever! We’ll plant our garden next weekend. Wife usually puts in tomatoes, banana peppers, zucchini, and cucumbers.

Our big planting day has been Memorial W/E… I believe it’s on the Victory Garden idea…

Look who’s poking their little faces out of the dirt! Peas! I also planted spinach in that box and they are coming up too!


Holy crap-aroo…33F last night,
Edit: one month later, only down to 74
F last night… that’s pretty warm for a northern peep!

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Got about a dozen nice tomatoes off of the two plants my wife planted in late April……then caterpillars took over and things rapidly went south. Big caterpillars can be removed but these were lots of little ones.

I think if I do it again I would plant them inside the pool screen in large planters where butterflies/moths can’t get to them.

We did have some nice mozzarella Caprese salad with those fresh tasty tomatoes


We had BLT’s yesterday… a local guy starts his tomatoes in a greenhouse… my they were tasty… we’ll get more from him… .75 each.


One winter while we were down there we grew some tomatoes from seeds we brought. Those big green caterpillars attacked so I kept picking them off and tossing them. That got old so a spray bottle of Sevin fixed them.

Up here in NY I see the local farm stand guy has his tomato plants going in the black muck soil. No tomatoes on them yet. They will be as big as a softball and very sweet. Sweet corn will be next but I don’t want to rush that because it kind of marks the beginning of the end of summer.

This morning when I took Gus the dog for his walk it was 52° cloudy, windy and drizzling. Still waiting on some summer like weather. Boat is still on the trailer in our driveway.

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I like the title change… a broad brush look!

The greens are from our garden….

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Those are some funny looking vegetables mixed in with yer greens there. Can you teach me how to grow some of those in my garden? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


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Embellishments to the greens… (:

Garden is cranking out greens now!
1rst pea fence is done… second is just about ready fer pickin’…
Green beans are about ready to pick….
Spinach is over too… but lettuce is the replacement…
Some baby carrots… winter squash has about 24 little ones to care for…
Tomatoes are taking their time… as usual…
Cukes are way behind… it’s been so cool that germination is just barely under way!
Grapes…. We should have a very good flush…
apple trees… there are many apples… we’ll see how many the crows and deer get when we aren’t watching… gggrrr…

Well, we had our last BLT with garden tomatoes…
Picked 8 buttercup squash… some cool day we’ll cook one just to see how they turned out… kind like sampling brews as they come of age!
Cukes are about done too…
Sunflowers are just about full of seeds… pointing to the waning days of summer…
And how’d you do?

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Blue Java(IceCream) bananas from my backyard. Top hand was turning yellow, and I’ve already snipped them off and into the kitchen. Note bluish green cast to the bananas.


this season I’m planning to expand the vinyard. I’m gping to try and graft some domesticared vines onto wild rootstock. The wild rootstock seems hardy on my property

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