Brewing Software

I resisted using software to any degree for a while, but being on a Mac has allowed me to try out a wide variety of software (modern Macs can run many Windows based programs at full efficiency, fortunately without even needing to have WindowsOS installed at all).

In any case, I did eventually settle on a Mac-native program…so for any Mac users among us, I really highly recommend BeerAlchemy…it has a very clean, intuitive, and highly usable interface, is highly customizable with regard to methods and ingredients, and has decent import/export capabilities. Best of all, the calculations it performs seem to be impressively accurate.
I haven’t tossed my spiral bound notebooks and still use them, but I have to admit that this program has made some things quite a bit easier.

I like the brewzor app for my phone. I have used promash for years on my comp to keep track of all my recipes and sessions. The new version of Beersmith looks pretty slick. I might have to check that out.

Another Mac user here, I’ve been using Beer Alchemy for a while also…and I just noticed BeerSmith2 now has a Mac version. Time to check out the trial…there are a couple things about beer alchemy id like to change.


I recently switched to iBrewmaster on my iPad after using Beersmith for years. I like the interface and it’s portability to be used in the brewery. I used in tandem with Beersmith for a couple brews as I did not quite trust the mash water volume and strike water temp calculations. I used it exclusively on my last brew and strike water temp was a few degrees high. I’ve since gone into settings for equipment and adjusted accordingly comparing with Beersmith.

I would suggest either Beersmith or iBrewmaster.