Brewing and Football

It’s getting crazy trying to watch NFL games. Monday night football, sometimes two games, Thursday night, Games in Europe in the morning due to time difference. Sunday at 1, 4:30 and 8pm. Even though we have Prime video I don’t like that games are shown on pay to stream. Kind of holds fans hostage.

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Back to back Saturday games for my Stillers, bet we lose next week too. :rofl:


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Some teams just seem to be beaten down with injuries this year.

What an ending to a Monday night football… rather had the other birds win… some tough playing…

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This seasons battle for playoffs spots has been exciting for sure

Yep. The Cowboys/ Dolphins and Vikings/Lions games yesterday went down to the wire.

Seems like the defensive guys are more interested in ripping the ball loose than tackling… all the extra yards picked up is just a shame… won’t even mention the “wrestling body slamming” technic.

Outstanding day of NFL football yesterday!! Watched the 4 o’clock games at an Irish pub at a friends retirement party, the bar had NFL Redzone on in the background, then Buffalo/Miami in the nightcap.

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Time to have a “putting the uniforms away” party for my team….
Oh the Bills vs Fish was a great game.

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My wife forced me to stay up for the Bills game LOL. Bills fans for a long time and grew up about a 2 hour drive from Buffalo but closer to Miami now. Great game but a little groggy this morning for some reason. GO BILLS


so which ever one wins… yer a winner? (:

Surprised there was no mention about the New Year Day games with Michigan Alabama and Washington Texas. That was some killer football. Action packed, tight games, well played. We’ll see how tonight turns out with Michigan vs Washington.

Really a bummer, can’t watch on air TV… only PAY to watch…

Yeah direct tv lost CBS. Luckily it was over the air but many sports bars missed out on games with that as most can’t switch to over air as they didn’t have their TVs set up or don’t know how - which isn’t hard either way.

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Even Saturdays games are on a pay to view… so won’t be watching…. Bummer from my perspective…

The fish have to play in KC, zero degrees! Should be must see TV!


Dolphins didn’t do well out of water and sub zero temps. Bills game has been postponed until Monday at 4:30 due to expected snow storms. That has really screwed up some peoples plans.

No football for me yesterday. ): I might just stop watching Pro ball. Money mongers…. gggrrr…

I know, I grudgingly shelled out the 5.99 for peacock monthly. I’d spend five times that if I went to a bar to watch it. But that’s where we’re at in 2024. If you want to question value, go see a live band in concert someplace or go to a live sporting event, holy cow… hundreds and hundreds of dollars.

On the plus side, the video image was incredible. Clearly better than typical broadcast TV ….must’ve been full on 4K, or even better?

Edit: yep 4K HD Ultra

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Perhaps that puts a perspective on it…
I just feel it’s so out of control… Peeps that do go to watch our Vikes say a beer is close to 15.00… I question the reason as to why… Seems my answer gets back to… because they can…
I’m not fighting this situation… just un-willing to be a part of it.
Stubborn left-handed Scanda-hoovian… (: