2013 Brews

Haha. I like to get in as many as I can. Three a month is usually how it goes.

You plan on making the next meeting? It’s going to be at holy city.

Here is what I wrote up for this weekend. Something different for sure.

White ipa

Recipe specifics:

Style: American IPA
Batch size: 5.5 gal
Boil volume: 7.2 gal
OG: 1.067
FG: 1.017
Bitterness (IBU): 49.9
Color (SRM): 4.0
ABV: 6.6%


8.00 lb Pilsener (German), 61.5%
4.00 lb Wheat (US), 30.8%
1.00 lb Flaked Wheat, 7.7%


1.00 oz Belma (AA 9.8%, Pellet) 60 min, 30.6 IBU
0.50 oz Belma (AA 9.8%, Pellet) 10 min, 5.5 IBU
0.50 oz Citra (AA 14.4%, Whole) 10 min, 7.3 IBU
0.50 oz Belma (AA 9.8%, Pellet) 5 min, 3.0 IBU
0.50 oz Sorachi Ace (AA 10.9%, Pellet) 5 min, 3.4 IBU
0.50 oz Belma (AA 9.8%, Pellet) 0 min, 0.0 IBU
0.50 oz Citra (AA 14.4%, Whole) 0 min, 0.0 IBU
0.50 oz Sorachi Ace (AA 10.9%, Pellet) 0 min, 0.0 IBU
2.00 oz Sorachi Ace (AA 10.9%, Pellet) dry hop


Corriander Seed, 0.5 unit(s), Spice , boil 0 min
Sweet Orange Peel, 0.5 unit(s), Spice , boil 0 min
Wyeast 3463 Forbidden Fruit, 1.0 unit(s), Yeast

1: German Not Alt 1/4/13
2: Special Roast Bitter 1/5/13
3: Seven Seas English Bitter 1/18/13
4: Kolsch 1/25/13
5: Russian Imperial Stout 2/8/13
6: Partigyle Porter 2/8/13
7: Simcoe Red Ale 3/9/13
8: Indian Brown Ale 3/16/13
9: Cream Ale 3/23/13
10: White Rascal Clone 4/5/13
11: Pliny the Toddler 4/13/13
12: Shelter Pale Ale 4/19/13
13: Blonde Ale 5/4/13
14: Zythos Summer Ale (Pale Wheat Ale) 5/12/13
15: White IPA 5/18/13

And just mashed in during lunch on #16, an American Blonde

Belma Blonde
Blonde Ale

Recipe Specs

Batch Size (G): 5.5
Total Grain (lb): 10.000
Total Hops (oz): 2.50
Original Gravity (OG): 1.051 (°P): 12.6
Final Gravity (FG): 1.013 (°P): 3.3
Alcohol by Volume (ABV): 5.01 %
Colour (SRM): 4.6 (EBC): 9.1
Bitterness (IBU): 26.2 (Average)
Brewhouse Efficiency (%): 75
Boil Time (Minutes): 75

Grain Bill

8.000 lb Pale Ale Malt (80%)
1.000 lb Vienna (10%)
0.500 lb Carapils (Dextrine) (5%)
0.500 lb Flaked Wheat (5%)

Hop Bill

0.25 oz Belma Pellet (11.3% Alpha) @ 60 Minutes (Boil) (0 oz/Gal)
0.25 oz Belma Pellet (11.3% Alpha) @ 30 Minutes (Boil) (0 oz/Gal)
1.00 oz Belma Pellet (11.3% Alpha) @ 5 Minutes (Boil) (0.2 oz/Gal)
1.00 oz Belma Pellet (11.3% Alpha) @ 0 Minutes (Aroma) (0.2 oz/Gal)

Misc Bill

Single step Infusion at 153°F for 60 Minutes.
Fermented at 65°F with Safale US-05

Recipe Generated with BrewMate

1: German Not Alt 1/4/13
2: Special Roast Bitter 1/5/13
3: Seven Seas English Bitter 1/18/13
4: Kolsch 1/25/13
5: Russian Imperial Stout 2/8/13
6: Partigyle Porter 2/8/13
7: Simcoe Red Ale 3/9/13
8: Indian Brown Ale 3/16/13
9: Cream Ale 3/23/13
10: White Rascal Clone 4/5/13
11: Pliny the Toddler 4/13/13
12: Shelter Pale Ale 4/19/13
13: Blonde Ale 5/4/13
14: Zythos Summer Ale (Pale Wheat Ale) 5/12/13
15: White IPA 5/18/13
16: Belma Blonde Ale 6/5/13
17: ESB 6/14/13

Bloody Valentine Stout
Faux CAP
Premium Bitter
Ned Rye-erson Groundhog RyPA
Biere de Mars
Rye Saison
Faux Pils rebrew
Roho Caliente (Am Red featuring Caliente hops)

Only 4 beers since March 16.
12. IPA 3-31
13. Wooky clone 4-13
14. Hoppy wheat/rye 4-21
15. IPA 6-1

I have been so busy its hard to find time to brew, let alone sit down and take time to browse the forum. I'm only online when I'm home, sitting down on a chair at my desk top with a homebrew in one hand and .................... with the other.

            On deck brews: Juniper black ale
                                    Wee heavy
                                    Wry smile

Irish Red
Black IPA
Dead Ringer
Hope and King Scotch Ale
Denny’s Wry Smile

I’m trying to brew one/month but my daughter was just born a month ago so my schedule is a bit behind due to a new lack of time :stuck_out_tongue:


Hope was the scotch ale? A style I really enjoy, but have never brewed.

It’s in it’s last week in secondary, I’ll bottle it this weekend, carb it up and let you know. I need more carboys. :twisted:


[quote=“Radagast”]It’s in it’s last week in secondary, I’ll bottle it this weekend, carb it up and let you know. I need more carboys. :twisted:


Yeah, would love to hear your thoughts.

More carboys is really the only answer. I currently have four primaries and two secondaries. And some times I wish I had a couple more.

1: German Not Alt 1/4/13
2: Special Roast Bitter 1/5/13
3: Seven Seas English Bitter 1/18/13
4: Kolsch 1/25/13
5: Russian Imperial Stout 2/8/13
6: Partigyle Porter 2/8/13
7: Simcoe Red Ale 3/9/13
8: Indian Brown Ale 3/16/13
9: Cream Ale 3/23/13
10: White Rascal Clone 4/5/13
11: Pliny the Toddler 4/13/13
12: Shelter Pale Ale 4/19/13
13: Blonde Ale 5/4/13
14: Zythos Summer Ale (Pale Wheat Ale) 5/12/13
15: White IPA 5/18/13
16: Belma Blonde Ale 6/5/13
17: ESB 6/14/13
18: Petite Rye Saison 6/23/13

Up next, I am thinking will be a brown ale.

  1. Rye Ale
  2. Dos Equis Amber Ale
  3. Dark German Alt
  4. American Mild
  5. Cascade IPA
  6. Hefeweizen

Next up in July:
bourbon barrel stout (which will age until October/November)
blonde ale.

Rest of the year:
German Alt
Sweet Stout
Hoppy American Wheat
Black Hefeweizen
Nut Brown

Hope to fit in more, probably will do another IPA, but that’s the schedule.

First one post-Mr Beer brewed yesterday. NB American Wheat Ale with Clementine peel, coriander and rosemary. Wish me luck. :smiley:

Changed my mind on my next brew. Going to go with a non crystal malt APA. Just lots of bready, malty flavors.

Summer Pale

Recipe specifics:

Style: American Pale Ale
Batch size: 5.5 gal
Boil volume: 7.0 gal
OG: 1.051
FG: 1.013
Bitterness (IBU): 52.5
Color (SRM): 6.8
ABV: 5.0%


8.50 lb Maris Otter Malt, 85.0%
0.50 lb Victory Malt, 5.0%
0.50 lb CaraPils, 5.0%
0.50 lb Weyermann Light Munich, 5.0%


0.50 oz Chinook (AA 11.5%, Pellet) 60 min, 19.7 IBU
0.50 oz Chinook (AA 11.5%, Pellet) 20 min, 12.0 IBU (FWH)
0.50 oz Amarillo (AA 8.0%, Pellet) 10 min, 5.0 IBU
0.50 oz Citra (AA 14.4%, Pellet) 10 min, 9.0 IBU
1.00 oz Simcoe (AA 10.0%, Pellet) 5 min, 6.8 IBU
0.50 oz Amarillo (AA 8.0%, Pellet) 0 min, 0.0 IBU
0.50 oz Citra (AA 14.4%, Pellet) 0 min, 0.0 IBU



Maris Otter - 3.5-4.5° L. Rich, slightly nutty flavor. Excellent for any English beer style
Victory - 28° L. Gives gold to light brown color and a toasty, bread-like malt flavor.
Munich - 8.3° L. High-kilned lager malt with intense malt flavor and amber color.

[quote=“GeerBoggles”]1. American Brown Ale (Bottled)
2. Hoppy Irish Red Ale (Primary)
3. Haven’t decided yet, Waiting to free up my 6.5 Gal Carboy from the HIRA (Planned)
4. All Citra IPA (Planned) Wife’s request was a fruity/tart IPA for the first beer she gets after giving birth in May. The plan is to have it ready to drink on the day the baby is born.

There may be a couple more beers in between 3 & 4 depending on what kind of time I have in the coming months.[/quote]

1. American Brown Ale
2. Hoppy Irish Red
3. Jamil’s Cali Common
4. American Pale Ale
(my best beer yet. Just drank the last bottle this weekend and bought the ingredients to brew it again once I free up my big carboy)
5. American Wheat brewed with Mosaic Hops. It seemed bitter and one dimensional when it was first ready to drink. After 4 weeks in the bottle it has conditioned very well and has turned into a sweet & juicy tasting summer beer. I am very pleased with the outcome.
6. Citra IPA that I brewed on Saturday. I am very excited for this one.

Off to a slow start this year. I’m trying to shed a few pounds and my drinking is taking a hit. I’m down 35 pounds and this is what I brewed so far this year:

All batches are 22 gallons:
Kentucky Cream Ale
Two Hearted Ale
Red Chair IPA
7C’s Pale Ale
Irish Red Ale
Two Hearted Ale
Blonde Ale (last weekend)
Bell’s Best Brown Ale (this weekend)
Bell’s Two Hearted Ale (next weekend)

My wife bought me a new brew recipe binder for father’s day. Here we go:

  1. Torpedo IPA clone
  2. American Barleywine
  3. Arrogant Bastard Clone
  4. Hefe
  5. Belma Blonde
  6. RIS
  7. 7 Hearted IPA
  8. House Pale version ii
  9. German Pilsner
  10. Peach Wheat
  11. Simcoe IPA
  12. Hoppy Red
  13. Columbus Pale
  14. Belma Blonde ii
  1. House pale iii

David, is the house pale iii the 15 gallons you and ed brewed?

How do y’all split the batches?

No the blonde was a 15 gallon batch. I have a 70 qt mashtun which is big enough for most small 15 gallon batches. Ed has a 25 gallon pot. After the boil we fill as many buckets that are required. Aerate, pitch, and ferment. Forgot the dreaded clean though!

What was your blonde recipe. I just did one, and still deciding if I am going to dryhop or not. Taste great in the carboy.

I am pretty sure this is what I did. It fermented down to 1.008 if I remember correctly.

sidenot: I originally wrote the recipe with flake grains, but wasn’t paying enough attention and used flaked oats. Whoops.

Belma Blonde
Blonde Ale

Recipe Specs

Batch Size (G): 5.5
Total Grain (lb): 10.000
Total Hops (oz): 2.50
Original Gravity (OG): 1.051 (°P): 12.6
Final Gravity (FG): 1.013 (°P): 3.3
Alcohol by Volume (ABV): 5.01 %
Colour (SRM): 4.6 (EBC): 9.1
Bitterness (IBU): 26.2 (Average)
Brewhouse Efficiency (%): 75
Boil Time (Minutes): 75

Grain Bill

8.000 lb Pale Ale Malt (80%)
1.000 lb Vienna (10%)
0.500 lb Carapils (Dextrine) (5%)
0.500 lb Flaked Wheat (5%)

Hop Bill

0.25 oz Belma Pellet (11.3% Alpha) @ 60 Minutes (Boil) (0 oz/Gal)
0.25 oz Belma Pellet (11.3% Alpha) @ 30 Minutes (Boil) (0 oz/Gal)
1.00 oz Belma Pellet (11.3% Alpha) @ 5 Minutes (Boil) (0.2 oz/Gal)
1.00 oz Belma Pellet (11.3% Alpha) @ 0 Minutes (Aroma) (0.2 oz/Gal)

Misc Bill

Single step Infusion at 153°F for 60 Minutes.
Fermented at 65°F with Safale US-05

Recipe Generated with BrewMate