2013 Brews

I enjoy seeing what everyone else out there is brewing. Really helps with ideas of future brews.

So I will start off, here is my list. I will add the dates when I get home. All 5.5 gal all grain batches.

1: German Not Alt 1/4/13
2: Special Roast Bitter 1/5/13
3: Seven Seas English Bitter 1/18/13
4: Kolsch 1/25/13
5: Russian Imperial Stout 2/8/13
6: Partigyle Porter 2/8/13

I feel like I am off to a good start for 2013. Here’s to another great year of brewing.

List will evolve over the year, but in the queue are…

  1. Festbier
  2. Double IPA
  3. Biere De Garde
  4. Saison w/ French saison yeast
  5. Mosaic Pale Ale
  6. Chocolate Milk Stout
  7. Campfire Brown
  8. Bavarian Helles
  9. Milk Stout

… and then sprinkle some british style brews in there too. Bitter, Special…

Pumped for 2013.

[quote=“chaglund”]List will evolve over the year, but in the queue are…

  1. Festbier
  2. Double IPA
  3. Biere De Garde
  4. Saison w/ French saison yeast
  5. Mosaic Pale Ale
  6. Chocolate Milk Stout
  7. Campfire Brown
  8. Bavarian Helles
  9. Milk Stout

… and then sprinkle some british style brews in there too. Bitter, Special…

Pumped for 2013.[/quote]

How did you like the mosaic. I want to play with that hop. Simcoe and nugget love child, yes please.

So far, I’ve done NB Number 8, barley wine, dark mild, and California common.

1, Belgian Strong Ale
2, Southern English Brown Ale
3, Honey wheat using the NB red Wheat Malt Color was what I wanted when I kegged it.
4, EPA
5, American Amber
Goal for 2013 is to build up a stock pile of diverse Ale yeasts.

  1. American Brown Ale (Bottled)
  2. Hoppy Irish Red Ale (Primary)
  3. Haven’t decided yet, Waiting to free up my 6.5 Gal Carboy from the HIRA (Planned)
  4. All Citra IPA (Planned) Wife’s request was a fruity/tart IPA for the first beer she gets after giving birth in May. The plan is to have it ready to drink on the day the baby is born.

There may be a couple more beers in between 3 & 4 depending on what kind of time I have in the coming months.

[quote=“muddywater_grant”][quote=“chaglund”]List will evolve over the year, but in the queue are…

  1. Festbier
  2. Double IPA
  3. Biere De Garde
  4. Saison w/ French saison yeast
  5. Mosaic Pale Ale
  6. Chocolate Milk Stout
  7. Campfire Brown
  8. Bavarian Helles
  9. Milk Stout

… and then sprinkle some british style brews in there too. Bitter, Special…

Pumped for 2013.[/quote]

How did you like the mosaic. I want to play with that hop. Simcoe and nugget love child, yes please.[/quote]

Whoops, I totally didnt pay attention to the purpose of the thread, sorry. Those are the planned brews for the next few months… I like to have myself a queue otherwise I’d always brew what I felt like drinking at the time… which would be IPAs, and I’d never learn.

To revise, I’ve brewed a british bitter with a generous portion of special roast, a single hop galaxy IPA, and an oktoberfest so far. If only I had the time to brew 11 batches in two months.

But yah, real excited about the mosaic. If I happen to brew that sooner than later I’ll most definitely come back to comment on it. I’m debating whether to go solo with it to learn the hop, or mix it with a couple other varieties and use exclusively to dry hop or something.

Belgian Tripel - 12/31/12 (close enough)
Caribou Slobber - 1/23/13

  1. American Stout
  2. APA
  3. Honey blonde
  4. Key Lime Wit

I got a late start on the year. Took time off to upgrade the brewhouse, and just brewed a couple weeks ago for the first time this year. Making up for lost time, and dwindling beer supply.

Chinook IPA
Pumpkin Ale
And then flip a coin for the rest. A possible APA before the IPA for ealy this summer.

Dang, you guys have been busy! It’s been pretty quiet so far:

1 - Düsseldorf IPA (stickebier with boatloads of Polaris, Smaragd and Herkules hops)
2 - Stovepipe Porter clone attempt #2
3 - Helles Hop Hammer (Helles Bock meets APA with Mosaic, Motueka, Amarillo and Citra)

Columbus IPA (still laughing about the title)
Hoppy black lager (kolsch yeast)
Imperial Red Ale
Dawson’s Kriek (1st time, really excited)
Double IPA

Did a Belgian wit, Mongoose IPA, Irish Stout, & my first lager-Czech pilsner. All partial boil extracts to this point. Can’t wait to get outside & do a few full boils. Also gonna try BIAB this spring. What is a good source for tasty, yet somewhat simple BIAB recipes for a greenhorn? :cheers:

  1. IPA
  2. APA
  3. Double IPA
  4. IPA
  5. APA
  6. Double IPA…

I’m seeing a trend here… :slight_smile:

  1. American Wheat - almost gone
  2. English Brown - drinking now too
  3. Chinook IPA - Just went into fermenter Sunday
  4. Honey IPA - planned for this weekend
  5. Barleywine - planned for next weekend
  1. Vanilla Boubon Stout
  2. Belgian Dubbel
  3. Raspberry-Orange Heffe

thus far…

  1. Barley Wine
  2. Arrogant Bastard clone
  3. Hefeweizen

-Czech Dark Lager
-Vanguard Blond Ale (All Vanguard Hops)
-Baltic Porter
-Mosiac Pale Ale (really tasty, love that hop)
-Denny’s Rye IPA

Cheers to a great brewing year!

  1. German Pils
  2. Irish Red
  3. Dry Stout
  4. American Brown
  5. American Darl Lager

Didn’t brew diddly in December, so had to make up time.

Would the respective brewers mind sharing their “campfire brown” and “key lime wit” recipes???
