Up north bock

Got a 2pack on Amazon for like $7 i was just wondering about somehow using them on a standard did tube maybe with a short length of vinyl tube

I saw those. I have to see what I get and roll from there. Thought I posted before, looks like a great product, I’ll finally get my hands on one and the wheels start spinning…

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I’ve rearranged my chair so I can keep an eye on the mailbox when I have coffee… that liquid clear sucker has to show up soon…

We have USPS informed delivery. You get an email with a scan of the mail coming your way. Cant’ see the mail box(s) from inside our condo but when the mailman, excuse me carrier opens the row of boxes there is a distinct thud since it is on the outside of our wall.

We use more and more paperless billing and stuff so the box only fills with junk anyway.

Center is my mailbox… and all the trees to clean up after this past winters storm… Mail used to show up before 10 am… lately it’s been all over the day… Well, it’ll show up.
Edit: it’s here… right after lunch I’ll install and give it a test.

Aside from the keg getting jostled and warmed up a bit… it’s a good brew… the noble hop aroma is there and the flavor. A few more days of chillin’ will be needed.


Well, bad news abodes… I’ve been saving a pint or so for a long time for an older friend… was finally was able to enjoy a couple today… he told me he has mesothelioma… Just to add, he also was the boiler maker for a brewery in St.Paul for quite a while.

Sorry about the bad news. That profession often led to asbestos exposure. Fingers crossed for him.

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Yeah that’s rough, sorry to hear that

His prognosis is giving him another 3-5 months. In 5 months, he turns 92. Regardless, not a way to see the end. I’ll brew up some more to share with him.
Thank you for your kind words.

We have a friend that was diagnosed with cancer, lung I think and is going through chemo. We can see it slowly draining him. No, not a way to see the end. Sadly his wife died from smoking.

Sorry to hear this @sneezles61

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