Will I ever like Belgians?

For my birthday, my wife planned a trip into Chicago and while we were on the train, she pulled out a few glasses and bottles of Goose Island Matilda. I’m not sure what style of Belgian beer it is, but it IS a Belgian of some flavor. We opened some up and tried some. My wife is a beer drinker and she drinks my beers all the time. But she is not on top of all of the various beer styles… she just knows what she likes. This particular beer was okay. It had some esters and was pretty strong. We agreed that the more we had of it, the more it started to grind on us. The first sips were better. So maybe that’s what it is… the esters and overall flavor profiles begin to stack up on your tastebuds and causing problems.

[quote=“StormyBrew”]that’s the great thing about beer…something for everyone. me, I really like belgians but am no fan of IPAs (now that’s blasephemy).


Now I’m relieved! At least I have company here…

Is Stella Artois brewed with a “Belgian” yeast? I could swear it was the same Danish yeast used in a lot of Euro lagers. A buddy of mine goes to Belgium and talks with co-workers in Belgium. When Stella comes as an option, the Belgian guys say, “Yeah, I don’t drink that.”

Stella is a mass market lager made in Belgium. It’s a Belgian beer but it’s not a belgian-style ale.

On the other hand, in this thread I see a lot of american beers (new belgium, ommegang, etc)… these are not Belgian beers… but they are Belgian-style ales.

I’ve liked most of the belgians I’ve met. Good people. :lol:

[quote=“Wahoo”]these are not Belgian beers… but they are Belgian-style ales.

I’ve liked most of the belgians I’ve met. Good people. :lol: [/quote]

But do they TASTE good?

BTW I’m a huge fan of kriek beers and Hales apparently makes a belgian golden ale with sour cherries . Just saw it the other day. Might have to give it a whirl. But $10 for a single bottle? You’re killing me smalls.

*Edit: It’s called the Tres Fem

I loved Belgians or should I say Belgian style beers right from the first one. I qualify “style” because Ommegang and Unibroue beers are among my favorites. Stella to me is kind of like the Budweiser of Belgium. Mass market boring lager.

Funny thing is with the exception of wheat beers I’m not thrilled with most German beer. The banana and clove flavor in Weihenstephan Weizen yeast makes the beer but some find it offensive.

Don’t sweat it. You like what you like. At least you are open to giving them a try. Way better than the BMC crowd that says “oh it’s one of those dark beers” to anything darker than urine color and never try one.

I am a big fan of Saison,Golden and Pale, but not as much of a fan of dubbels and tripels.
If you stick to those lighter varieties the others may grow on you eventually.

I cannot stand sours

Same here. Love me some weizen, but if it complies with the reinheitsgebot I’m probably not a fan. The big exception there is maibock, and even then I needed Dead Guy to get me started on the style.

If I like it, I drink it. Life is too short to worry about not being a well rounded connoisseur of beer - or aything else.

If you have to ask, you’ll never know.