In the middle of the mash for a blond ale, and will do a Scottish /s70 after that. First brew day since May. Figure it’s time, now that fall has arrived (here at least).
Oddly enough it feels a bit like fall here in Virginia too. 58 degrees when I got up at 6 this morning.
I brewed an amber ale yesterday morning and about to start heating strike water for an IPA right now. Kegging another IPA and racking my Oktoberfest to lagering vessel today as well.
Going to hopefully try to bottle my Slobber tomorrow, and start the Kiwi IPA. Just have to work out the logistics of bottling while the pot boils.
Am doing double batch Sunday first brew Maibock/Helles Bock and second brew Armenian dunkel.
Brewing an American Wheat this afternoon as soon as the weather cools a bit, kegging a coffee stout tomorrow. :mrgreen:
I’ve got to ask, what is an Armenian dunkel? What distinguishes it from a Baverian or Bohemian dunkel?
I’ve got to ask, what is an Armenian dunkel? What distinguishes it from a Baverian or Bohemian dunkel?[/quote]
Its a Charlie Papazian recipe from July/august issue of Zymurgy 2006
It’s a beautiful lighter colored dunkel lager around 18 srm with the nice dark malt quality from the specialty grain. Smooth and extremely sessionable 4.4 abv and 31 ibu. If you want will give ya the recipe.
My weekend is Thursday. In the mood for a very simple ale, maybe 2 row, a little Victory, Spalt, and US05
Just bottled my American Wheat. I’m a bit disappointed; we missed the OG on this already light beer, and I could tell tasting the gravity sample. It just tasted watered-down.
Yesterday I bottled a batch of Dry Dock SS Minnow mild, brewed a Cream Ale for my first all grain brew, and I still have a batch of Chocolate Milk Stout to bottle. The weekend went waaaaaaaaay too fast…
Just racked Smashing Pumpkin Ale to secondary this evening. Considering using the yeast cake for an American Wheat tomorrow. I’ve never reused yeast before. Does anyone see an issue with it in this particular instance?
I had planned on doing a 1 gallon SMaSH IPA using Maris Otter and Mosaic. But then I remembered that I had a little bit of extra 2 row and a little bit of extra Magnum laying around that I should get rid of, so it basically turned into a 2 malt, 2 hop IPA. Mostly Maris Otter and then Magnum as the bittering hop with a few additions of Mosaic later on and I’ll dry hop with Mosaic too. We’ll see how it turns out. The good part is, if it sucks I only have a gallon of it.
As long as the yeast is fairly clean, no problem. If the smashing pumpkin has a lot of pulp mixed in with the yeast, that would argue against using it. An American Wheat is a somewhat delicate flavored brew, and any left-over pumpkin will carry some flavor over to the new brew.
Had such a great day brewing Sunday ever thing went perfect. Hit my mark on my Og both batches and done it all just little under 8 hours counting clean up and all. Decided to take today off too and brew another batch. So far everything has gone just as good as Sunday. What’s the chance have three perfect batches in two days. Maybe the little break I had for my broke wrist done me some good.