Which wort chiller

Looking at purchasing a wort chiller any recommendations as s steel. Or copper. Thanks

SS is more durable but copper transfers heat/cold much faster. Looks like the price isn’t much different.

50’ copper immersion chiller is very fast. Easy to make your own or available pre-made. I can get 5 gal down to pitching temp in 10 minutes.

I bought the 25’ Silver serpent about 6 months ago and have done 8 batches with it. I’m pretty happy. For the previous 4 years I used a water/ice bath, so this is pretty sweet. I still use a water bath along with the IC and get down to 50-60* within 25 minutes. If I ever get around to making a 50’ copper IC, I’ll use the SS as a prechiller. At least that’s my plan…
Why did I get the SS instead of copper? Totally because I was worried about soft copper getting smushed during shipment.

How much you looking to spend? You can grg s 25’ copper one for $35. Thstd good enough for 5 gallons.

You can also shorten yer chillin’ time stirring whilst chill in’, I would bet almost have the time, and a tired arm. Sneezles61

Thanks for all your help ordered the copper chiller. Along with frozen 2 liter bottles looking forward to the convenience CK