I’m getting itchy to do something different with my brewing, I think that’s being prompted by starting to plan out a new garage/shop building I hope to build within the next year (it will be built within 2 years).
For starters, this is where I am today: I’ve been brewing extract almost exclusively since 2003. I can do AG, have the basic equipment for a single-step (that I tried to push into a multi-step once), but the ROI wasn’t there for me. I’m happy with the results I get out of the NB extract kits ~ but I want to plan for non-kit AG brewing when looking at changes, so long as it’s not something that’s exclusive to that task.
My brew-cycle works as such:
I seem to remember that the fermentation side of things was the first big area for improvement, almost a requirement here in Georgia as even inside temps hover in the 80~82 degree range through the summer, which is why I have a keezer for fermenting with accompanying thermowell/controller. I’m trying to find the next biggest area for improvement.
Things I HATE are the wobbly keg sitting on top of an outdoor table (wife hates I user her table as well), and needing a ladder to see what the heck is going on, pull the grains, add the malts/hops. This is easily my biggest hate… I really want to stop hauling 6 gallons of water up a ladder, then balancing it as I try to pour into the keggle too. It just seems a recipe for disaster. Plus, when I do AG brew, it’s a nightmare of lifting a keg with 6.5~7 gallons of water so I have enough room for gravity feed through my CFC. So I’m researching pumps right now. Should be an easy $$$ sell.
Beyond that? I really like the look and idea behind things like the BrewEasy/K-RIMS (though it seems a brew kettle and typical mash tun with pump and thermomters replicate the system for WAY cheaper), and the BIAB single vessel systems (Grainfather, Braumeister, etc…) and I’d Like to go electric, but that’s down the road.
Oh, I’m almost Certainly never going over a 5-gallon batch size. It’s rare to drink 20 gallons in a year, and some years I don’t even drink 5, though I seem to average in the 10~15 range (2~3 kegs worth). Of course this is the first year I’ve had a kegerator inside the house and we’ve been through 15 gallons and I have nothing left, at all, anywhere.
I brew for the end result (beer better than what I can buy, for LOTS cheaper than I can buy), not necessarily the process. I’m currently OK with kits, but want the flexibility of AG recipes for those times I want to enjoy the process (occasionally, not frequently). Mostly I want efficient, easy to clean/maintain and safe to use (meaning ditching my current gravity setup).
Any thoughts, suggestions, musings or critiques :?: