Wheaten Beatdown hop question

My hop additions for the 5 gal extract kit from NB are:

.75oz magnum (60 min)
1oz willamette (10)
1oz cascade (10)

There is 6lbs wheat LME (60 min) with 1/2 specialty grains.

My question is, they give me a full 1 oz package of the magnum hops and I’m wondering what would happen if I pitched those at 10 mins left with the other two hops?

I like hoppy IPAs but always worry about deviating from a good recipe. I have heard good things about the T-Can’s and Bearcat’s Wheaten Beatdown and wouldn’t want to ruin a good thing.

About to pitch my first addition hops in about 5 minutes, so hopefully somebody can lend some advice in about 45 mins

I would just save the magnum for another beer, maybe a test batch, I’ve never used them for a late addition. I don’t think they would contribute much…maybe someone can chip in who has experience.

dbl post

I forgot to add, they are US Magnum, not German Magnum.

Anyone one else the magnum late addition advice?

First of all what AA% do all three hops contain as you may need to use the full ounce or actually cut it back to .25-.50oz typically Am/Ger magnum is high alpha bittering use only. It can be used at an aroma stage but its a waste of good bittering potential for another beer, would be my usage-recommendation also as stated above too. I always check and adjust the AA% in any store bought recipe as you have to remember that shops like NB make a recipe once and never adjust the hop charges as the years pass. So a beer formulated with 40IBU in mind might come out at 60IBU if you dont run the numbers yourself to make certain the recipe meets with your Ideals/palette.

So what can happen is you could have magnum from 3 years ago when this recipe was developed at 11% AA and last years magnum was harvested at 14% which when using a 60 minute bittering charge could change the game considerably and this is speaking to just the one hop.
IE:1oz- 11%AA @ 60 min = 40IBU
1oz- 14%AA @ 60 min = 51IBU

[quote=“ITsPossible”]First of all what AA% do all three hops contain as you may need to use the full ounce or actually cut it back to .25-.50oz typically Am/Ger magnum is high alpha bittering use only. It can be used at an aroma stage but its a waste of good bittering potential for another beer, would be my usage-recommendation also as stated above too. I always check and adjust the AA% in any store bought recipe as you have to remember that shops like NB make a recipe once and never adjust the hop charges as the years pass. So a beer formulated with 40IBU in mind might come out at 60IBU if you dont run the numbers yourself to make certain the recipe meets with your Ideals/palette.

So what can happen is you could have magnum from 3 years ago when this recipe was developed at 11% AA and last years magnum was harvested at 14% which when using a 60 minute bittering charge could change the game considerably and this is speaking to just the one hop.
IE:1oz- 11%AA @ 60 min = 40IBU
1oz- 14%AA @ 60 min = 51IBU[/quote]

+1 to this. I bought a lb of magnum back in the fall. They are 11.3%AA and most recipes call for magnum that are closer to 14%. So I generally have to up my bittering addition when using them.

P.S. I love magnum for clean bittering. I’ve been using it as the lone bittering addition for most of my beers and am very pleased.

Add the extra 1/4oz at 60. I’ve made that recipe 4-5 times and have added the full oz since the 2nd batch. It’s not a huge difference in bitterness and its clean bitterness as dobe pointed out. I also started dryhopping this batch starting at the 3rd batch :slight_smile: