What has your 2012 brewing looked like so far?

Just started brewing in May but off to a good start if you ask me…

1 - American Wheat
2 - BB Summer Ale
3 - American Wheat (added raspberry extract, turned out fabulous)
4 - American Amber (bottle conditioning for 8 days now)
5 - American Wheat (bottle conditioning for 2 days now)
6 - Magic Hat #9 clone (brewed yesterday)
7 - Pumpkin Ale (brewed this morning, looks and smells awesome)

Only brewing extract kits right now but hoping to take the plunge to AG in the very near future! Thanks to NB and the online forums, I have learned tons in the short time I’ve been brewing.

Cheers to all and Hoppy Brewing!

1-1-12 Witbier
1-16-12 Summer Wheat
2-10-12 Grapefruit and Honey ale
2-19-12 Blueberry Red ale
3-14-12 BBQ Rauchbier
4-21-12 Christmas Cheer ale (extract)
4-22-12 Summer Wheat
5-18-12 Hefeweizen (extract)
5-27-12 Grapefruit and Honey Ale
7-8-12 Smoked Cherry ale
7-14-12 Summer Wheat
7-29-12 Hefeweizen (extract)


8/04 5 Speed IPA (Racer 5 Clone) - 12 Gallons[/quote]

What was your hop schedule for this? Loves me some Racer 5 :slight_smile: [/quote]
I used MullerBrau’s recipe scaled to 12 gallons and my efficiency.


1 - MW Octane IPA
2 - Dry Irish Bourbon Stout
-----start AG--------
3 - Half-Hearted Ale
4 - Half Hearted Citra DH Ale
5 - Mackeson XXX clone stout
6 - Zombie Dust clone
7 - Crappy Pale Ale (turned out badly)
8 - Galaxy IPA (kegging this week)

Crossed the 200 gallon mark this weekend! Brewing a ton of Kolsch lately. Too hot really to drink anything else.

1-4-12 Hope and Kind Scotch Ale (NB kit)
1-14-12 Dry stout
1-19-12 American Amber
2-12-12 American Brown
2-25-12 Oatmeal Stout
3-25-12 Black Rye IPA
3-28-12 French Saison
5-??-12 Blonde Ale
6-7-12 American Amber
6-28-12 American Brown
7-18-12 Vanilla Porter
7-20-12 Centennial IPA

01-08-2012 Grateful DeadGuy
01-15-2012 BVIP (Denny)
02-12-2012 Irish Blonde
02-24-2012 Surly Bitter Brewer Pro Series Kit
03-04-2012 American Amber
03-17-2012 DeadRinger
03-24-2012 Surly Furious Pro Series Kit
04-06-2012 Grateful DeadGuy
04-20-2012 Milo’s Alt (Denny)
04-22-2012 American Amber
05-05-2012 Wit
05-20-2012 American Amber (10 Gallons for Pig Roast)
06-03-2012 Speckled Heifer
06-23-2012 Grateful DeadGuy (10 Gallons for Pig Roast)
06-24-2012 Two Hearted Amarillo (Greg Muller)
07-06-2012 Corner Tap Pub Lager (Ken Lenard)
07-21-2012 Cowboy Alt (BCS)
07-28-2012 Waldo Lake Amber (Denny)

I kind of like this Denny guy! MANY thanks to those on this and the AHA website for sharing their recipes, especially Denny-Greg Muller, and Ken Lenard. My first All-Grain in Feb of 2011. I’ve been brewing everybody elses recipes since then. Just started working on developing my own. An IPA for me, and a lighter APA based on the same grain bill for SWMBO.

Been brewing since about March this year.
3/24 - Black Sand Coconut Cascadian Ale
4/14 - Singling out the Madness Simcoe/Maris Otter 101IBU smash
5/28 - The Red and The Black - Hopped blackberry amber
5/28 - Siddhartha of Suburbia - Saison made with New Zealand hops
7/14 - Oaked and Smoked - Smoked Belgian brown ale aged in heavy toast hungarian oak cubes
7/21 - Black Sand
7/21 - Smokey Oktober - Smoked Maple Mocktoberfest
7/28 - Midnight in Belgium - Dark Trappist Abbey Ale
7/28 - Hungarian Brown - Typical brown ale aged in Hungarian oak cubes
8/4 - Be Hoppy Wheat -
8/12 - Siddhartha of Suburbia

Seems like Ive really jumped up my beer making in the last month or so. Not going to slow down anytime soon. All have turned out pretty good so far. My saison won our local craft beer bars competition so I’m going to get to go down and brew on Tallgrass’s pilot system and have it served at this place. Good stuff.

I feel like we just did this exercise 2 months ago.

All batches 22 gallons:

Kolsch 1-14-2012
Kolsch 1-28-2012
Rye IPA 2-4-2012
Big Booted Bastid PA 2-26-2012
Falconers Flight PA 3-4-2012
Black IPA 3-18-2012
Racer 5 IPA 4-21-2012
American Wheat 5-4-2012
Black IPA 5-19-2012
Kentucky Cream Ale 5-20-12
Red Chair 6-17-12
Two Hearted Ale 7-4-12
Rye IPA 7-13-2012
Simcoe Pale Ale 7-16-12

Looks like I am done for the year at 308 gallons

I am brewing far more this summer than I ever expected but since I was surprised with a kegerator in May and updated it to a 3 tower tap, I’ve been trying to keep all 3 taps going and it’s been hard to keep them supplied.
My friends love me and with football season starting, it’s going to get busier. It’s so hard cooling the wort to 75 with a pre chiller and a normal chiller but I’ve managed a number of beers.
9 different IPA’s (with 3 more in the works)
Cream Ale

I likely missed a few but these were varying sizes but mostly 5-6 gallon batches.

I never ( :lol:

So far, it looks pretty sad when put into text,
5.5 gallons of Czech Pilsner, 5.5 gallons of Festbier and 5.5 gallons of Cream Ale brewed by mid February.
Then 5.25 of Patersbier (for Patersday) in June and 5.25 Belgian Blonde in July.
Going to brew a fat Porter for swmbo this weekend.

[quote=“muddywater_grant”]Here is where I am at.

fyi: all all grain

1: Belgian Dubbel 1/15/12
2: Imperial Breakfast Stout 1/21/12
3: Biere de Garde 2/3/12
4: American Amber 2/4/12
5: American Pale Ale 2/17/12
6: Denny’s Rye IPA 2/26/12
7: Bohemian Pils 3/11/12
8: Amber Lager 3/30/12
9: Nugget Imperial Amber 4/13/12
10: Imperial IPA 4/27/12 5/27/12
11: Strawberry Blonde 5/20/12
12: ESB 5/31/12
13: Extra Pale Ale 6/15/12
14: Session CDA 6/29/12
15: American Wheat 7/20/12
16: Oktoberfest 8/3/12

Next three. American Brown, Pumpkin Ale, Helles[/quote]

Did number 17 last night and 18th tonight.

17: American Brown 8/16/12
18: Pumpkin Ale 8/17/12

updated 2012 list:

1: Belgian Dubbel 1/15/12
2: Imperial Breakfast Stout 1/21/12
3: Biere de Garde 2/3/12
4: American Amber 2/4/12
5: American Pale Ale 2/17/12
6: Denny’s Rye IPA 2/26/12
7: Bohemian Pils 3/11/12
8: Amber Lager 3/30/12
9: Nugget Imperial Amber 4/13/12
10: Imperial IPA 4/27/12 5/27/12
11: Strawberry Blonde 5/20/12
12: ESB 5/31/12
13: Extra Pale Ale 6/15/12
14: Session CDA 6/29/12
15: American Wheat 7/20/12
16: Oktoberfest 8/3/12
17: American Brown 8/16/12
18: Pumpkin Ale 8/17/12
19: English Premium Bitter 8/31/12
20: American Red Ale 9/1/12
21: Citra/Amarillo American Pale Ale 9/14/12
22: Oatmeal Stout 9/15/12

Well on track to hit 25 batches this year. Looks like I may get to 30. Did 21 last year. My first year brewing. Only seven batches from hitting the big 50th batch. Got to think of something fun to brew for this big occasion.

I’ve only been able to get 2 in so far this year:

Munich Dunkel (46l)
Dry Stout (46l)

Both were top notch, so I have decided to get into some extract and partial mash brewing to get much more brewing in - I’ve only ever done all-grain, but just don’t have the time anymore.

I think I’ll wait to post my list until the year-end thread goes up… but it looks like I’m on track to break my brewing record again this year.

I also think I might set a new hop harvest record too, although I’ve only harvested half of my plants so far.

I’m trying to get to 12 batches for 2012. Had to take some time off for other summer activities, but now I’m back in action.

1 - Peter’s Wicked Ale (clone kit from the other guys)
2 - NB’s Kolsch, super beer. Big hit with the BMC crowd because it has… flavor!
3 - Raspberry Wheat beer from NB Bavarian Hefe w/Raspberry flavoring at bottling. Excellent.
4 - NB’s Innkeeper, by far the surprise beer favorite at parties. This one goes fast.
5 - NB’s Dawson’s Multigrain Red - seems a little too bitter, covering up the red flavor. If I brewed this again I’d move about half the hops from bittering into flavoring. I’m not a huge red-beer fan, but there is one here from Bridgeport called “Kingpin” that is one of the few that is dry-hopped but still manages to keep some of the red flavor.
6 - NB’s St. Paul Porter - has to be up there with the best porters around.
7 - “49 shades of brown” - my brown ale recipe w/US-05
8 - “48 shades of brown” - my brown ale recipe w/S-04 to see how the diff yeasts affect flavor
9 - American Golden Ale - my recipe based on NB’s American Amber and Extra Pale Ale kits. A little more than Pale, but not quite Amber.
10 - Grocery store cider w/US-05. The batch I made last year with D-47 was pretty bad.

Next up: extract copy of Alaskan Amber, since everyone raves about it and we can’t get it around here. Have to wait for basement to cool off for the yeast 1007. Then I only need one more to get to the dozen mark.

[quote=“twdjr1”]I’m trying to get to 12 batches for 2012.

Next up: extract copy of Alaskan Amber, since everyone raves about it and we can’t get it around here. Have to wait for basement to cool off for the yeast 1007. Then I only need one more to get to the dozen mark.[/quote]

Based on your comments, you might really like NB’s Patersbier. I would also recommend that you grow up a large 2-step starter of your 1007 yeast and brew Jamil’s Northern German altbier. I brewed both of his alt recipes from BCS (Cowboy Alt, and the NG alt) and from preliminary samples, I prefer the NG alt. It has a softer, mellower character than the Dusseldorf (Cowboy) alt. That would allow you to hit your brewing goal and also save on yeast.


El Capitan, thanks for the challenge. The Patersbier sounds great. Also a yeast starter would be a good challenge, I haven’t done those yet.

I have to graduate with a degree and land a new job before I will feel comfortable brewing beer again. Since I got laid off in May of 2011 and went back to school at 50 years old I feel I should use any spare time studying and working on the grades. I still take time to have a few now and then. I taught my son how to brew last year. I can still get a taste now and then and talk the beer talk and plan for that big day. It is sad seeing all that equipment gathering dust in the beer room but it is still there and a little hot water and oxycleen free and iodine will bring it all back to its sparkling glory when the time comes. What will the HOMECOMING batch be? That is the question. :cheers: