Any idea’s on what would be a good beer to brew for my second time brewing? Love IPA’s are they way over my head at this point??
Go for it. Its just more hops additions. Post back when you’re ready to dry hop.
Brew what you like to drink. Same basic process with just more hops to add at different times.
In my opinion IPA’s are fun and easy to brew. The hop bitterness and flavor can hide any flaws that may or may not come from other process mistakes.
Go for it! The kit IPA’s from northern brewer are pretty good from what I hear.
[quote=“S.Scoggin”]In my opinion IPA’s are fun and easy to brew. The hop bitterness and flavor can hide any flaws that may or may not come from other process mistakes.
Go for it! The kit IPA’s from northern brewer are pretty good from what I hear.[/quote]
This is a good point. As long as the hops you use are fresh they should be able to cover up a lot.
On the other hand, due to the higher gravity of IPAs, just make sure you keep the fermentation temperatures in check so you don’t end up with a batch of well hopped jet fuel. :lol: