does anyone have a good recipe to use with these leftover hops
.25-.50 oz. of williamette
.25-.50 oz. of uk kent goldings
.50-.75 oz. of glacier
.50-.75 oz. liberty
2-3 oz. cascade
realize will most likely have to be a batch of an imperial stout or IPA of some kind, not looking for anything great just something to use these left over hops in (leaning towards doing just one big beer instead of adding a few hops to a bunch of differant beers). does anyone have a good base recipe for an imperial stout or IPA that these hops would compliment good.
I like Am. Brown with these too. 1oz of cascades @ bittering (since you have the most of them), EKG/liberty flavoring, glacier @ flameout, willammettes and remaining cascades for 7-10 day dry hop.
I like Am. Brown with these too. 1oz of cascades @ bittering (since you have the most of them), EKG/liberty flavoring, glacier @ flameout, willammettes and remaining cascades for 7-10 day dry hop.[/quote]
Never made my own recipe before, and dont know much about the art, so all advice is thanked for in advance, also I am looking at making a big dark big beer here, not much on technicalities of brewing, so once again feel free to give advice, thanks ya ll
Five Gallon batch
10 pounds of two row American malt
1 pound english extra dark crystal
1 pound Weyermann Cara Aroma
2 pounds english chocolate malt
1 pound Weyermann dehusked Carafra III
Hops Schedule
1 oz cascade at 60 minutes
all ekg at 10 minutes
all liberty at 5 minutes
all glacier at flameout
Dry hop rest of williamette and cascade
I’d suggest using some sort of program/calculator to make sure the IBU’s come out in the desired range. Also that seems like way too much dark malt. Take a look at some other american brown recipes but I think 1/2 lbs of chocolate malt and far less Carafa, only what is needed to get it to the desired color.
[quote=“muktuk31”]Never made my own recipe before, and dont know much about the art, so all advice is thanked for in advance, also I am looking at making a big dark big beer here, not much on technicalities of brewing, so once again feel free to give advice, thanks ya ll
Five Gallon batch
10 pounds of two row American malt
1 pound english extra dark crystal
1 pound Weyermann Cara Aroma
2 pounds english chocolate malt
1 pound Weyermann dehusked Carafra III
Hops Schedule
1 oz cascade at 60 minutes
all ekg at 10 minutes
all liberty at 5 minutes
all glacier at flameout
Dry hop rest of williamette and cascade
US 05[/quote]
seems like a lot of chocolate malt. I might nix (or go down to 0.5#) that and go 2.5# crystal
maybe 0.5# dehusked carafa,just for color…also, this beer should be malty enough, you may not need the aromatic.
If you can’t tell, I’m becoming a minimalist in my recipe formulation.
Why don’t you just brew Jamil’s and sub your hop schedule/varietals?
not much on calculators, think I will go with Pietro’s recipe, not feeling doing Jamils recipe want this to be a learning expeirence in formulationg recipe.I will post how it goes whenever it gets done, thanks for the advice, anymore advice would be thanked greatly
[quote=“muktuk31”]Never made my own recipe before, and dont know much about the art, so all advice is thanked for in advance, also I am looking at making a big dark big beer here, not much on technicalities of brewing, so once again feel free to give advice, thanks ya ll
Five Gallon batch
10 pounds of two row American malt
1 pound english extra dark crystal
1 pound Weyermann Cara Aroma
2 pounds english chocolate malt
1 pound Weyermann dehusked Carafra III
Hops Schedule
1 oz cascade at 60 minutes
all ekg at 10 minutes
all liberty at 5 minutes
all glacier at flameout
Dry hop rest of williamette and cascade
US 05[/quote]
Looks good but… to me anyway…, that seems to be WAY too much of both the chocolate malt and the Carafa III.
You’re already going to get a good amount of color from the Extra Dark Crystal and the CaraAroma (not to mention a lot of rich deliciousness…CaraAroma is great stuff). If it is extra roastiness you’re after, based on my experience you should really only need a few ounces each of the Chocolate and the Carafa III. Especially true if you’re not going to be aging the beer much before consuming it.
Just my opinion, mind you…others may disagree.
As such, individual experimentation is always encouraged, and is really the only way to find the sweet spot.
just had two bottles of the above mentioned beer recipe, the hops werent centenial they were cluster but used same hop schedule, turned out really good, not a well balanced beer. chewy with choclate, coffee, alcohol and small hop bitterness, all in all very good for first “recipe”. been in bottle bought three weeks, might cellar some for a little while, i am happy with end result, thanks for all the help