Weekend. 3 days off

Yes nice. 3 days off. Damm no brewing. Me out of yeast. The 21 new yeast on island. Gonna transfer a stout to the keg today

I’ll bet when your all set up in the your new brewery, you’ll start a yeast bank… I did a starter with gnome yeast from Imperial… Even in the 200ml flask with a quart, that sucker soaked the foam stopper! Sneezles61

Me never did wash yeast. But next brew gonna collect the yeast once move to secondary. Sucks my brew partner not so much on island. So have to find other way to get my yeast on the island. Got good deal on bulk grain from the company bsg. 200 lbs grain. 0.70dollar cent. Per 1 lbs.

Thats a good price for grain… I pay a buck per pound… Probably the easiest way to start with yeast banking/ranching is to use a wine thief/turkey baster, pull some from the fermenter while its really rolling along… Put in a sanitized pint jar… You only need a few tablespoons worth to tinker with… I will then pour about an inch or more of a hoppy brew over it, put some Saran Wrap over the jar and a rubber band to keep it held fast. Then just pull it out when you usually do your starter, pour off the beer cap, leave a little behind so as to get the yeast into a slurry and pitch to your starter… Sanitizing is most important… Once you do this a few times, you’ll get the hang of it… There are other ways, scooping some out after fermentation is done and just after you rack off the yeast cake… Then to wash/separate the dead from the viable yeast… OR, doing a starter and keep building it up, then to separate that into 2 jars… one to use now and one for down the road… WHEW… If you don’t try, you’ll never know… My Australian yeast from Whites I was able to use 9 times… The last time I could detect something out of place in the background… Wasn’t bad, but I figured, it had served me quite well! Sneezles61

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You don’t save yeast ? Crazy bro. Save a bit of your starter and keep building it up. Or crop from your beer.

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No i never till so far did save my yeast. But.now. me plan to save my yeast. And build a yeast bank. Gonna try to wash my yeast on the next brew i am gonna do. Did watch yesterday few video on how to wash and haverst the yeast.

So do you wash and collect the yeast only when you do use liquid yeast. Or as well dry yeast. This one dude said. Dry yeast. Only made for single use. Do to. Lack of nutrient. Me gonna make starters any way. Do add dme. An during boil i do use yeast nutrient. So on the end. I do have enough. To feed my yeast during fermenting. Or am i wrong. Me for 90% use liquid yeast. Only dry yeast. When i am out of liquid yeast.

Who ever told you you can’t save dry yeast doesn’t know what there talking about. Yeast is yeast. I’ve been to breweries and they tell me they buy blocks of us-05. Making a starter for dry yeast is a waste of time as is using yeast supplements, save those for wine. And guess what breweries don’t wash their yeast just repitch until they are done with a run. I think I remember you used conical fermenters you can draw some off into a mason jar and just save it or pour it out after fermentation. You can scoop out some krausen on an active fermentation. I’ll buy a liquid yeast and make a 1 gallon beer then repitch a few times . Living on an island I’d have no problem keeping a yeast for months.

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Next brew. Will take the yeast. And reuse it. Saves me cash. On transport. And vials of yeast. Should be easy. Collect it from my conicall.

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Back in the dark ages dry yeast was nowhere near as good as it is now so reusing it was a crap shoot. Now it is great quality and can be reused just like liquid.

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When I first did lagers I used the 34/70… and re-used it a few times…
When yeast was cheap I didn’t save it… When the price went up, well, I was then turned to the economy side of brewing… I wonder if that was the time I went all grain… about 2003…?
I have 3 pint jars, about 1/4 full with yeast… ESB, 001, Kviek… and soon… Gnome… The white 001 is on its 5 repitch… Sneezles61

There is so much hype about yeast perpetuated by the yeast makers. I’ll buy some liquid yeast and I’ll dig around and find an older dated package and point it out generally they toss it in no charge or go get me a fresh one and they give me a two for. I’ve not noticed that much difference really. Sure at full price I’ll demand fresh. But what’s fresher than a repitch


Top cropped, repitch… Not many, if any dead cells… Whats that word Autoylices(?) … These complicated words we need to know fer brewing! :smile: Sneezles61

That’s one of those foreign cars right.