Washing 1945 NeoBritannia problem

I am trying to save the 1945 yeast for more brews. Has anyone experenced a problem with the yeast not separating from the trub in a distinct layer at the top?

Yes its like super clumpy. I gave up trying to rinse it.

I came up with a plan last night. Swirled the quart jar which has all the saved yeast with the trub. As soon as there was approxiamately 1 cup of milky liquid at the top, poured it off into a 1 liter 1.040 starter. Added more sterilized water and repeated the process for another starter. Either I wll get to solid trub or from the mutiple starters I will soon have enough clean yeast for a new pitch.

http://woodlandbrew.blogspot.com/2012/1 ... posed.html

One persons thought on yeast washing.

I just pour the yeast into a jar. Then pull out 2-4 spoonfuls a put them in my starter.