Waiting patiently

This weekend will be the second week the beer is in the bottle. I can not wait to try it. The is in a room where the temp is 60-65. It is my Irish Red. It is like Christmas more, wait patiently. I used raw sugar for something different.

Try one bottle, you may need to warm up a little more to git ferment in the bottle to git there a bit faster

I agree. A little low on temps. I would warm them up.

stihl- I too carbonate my bottles in my basement where this time of year the temps hang around 60-65. To speed things up a bit, I use a heating pad set on low. It successfully gets the temps around the bottles up around 70-75.

another trick is to bottle one in a plastic soda bottle. Squeeze the excess air out before capping. As it carbonates, the bottle will become firm. When it is quite hard(usually 1-2 weeks) the rest of the bottles will be carbonated as well. Peace of mind, that you wouldn’t get otherwise until you open a bottle.

I could not wait!! Came back from my birthday dinner. Opened one up. Had a little fiz and put it in nice glass. Had tight small bubbles with one or big bubbles. The foam was about 1inch high or so and color of white to off white for the Irish Red. Had some yeast at the bottom. Even though it was 60, it smelled good and taste good. Putting some in the refridg on Friday and enjoy a few homebrews!!

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I remember reading in Dave Miller’s book about how once a beer is fully bottle conditioned, you should refrigerate it for a few days before opening. The idea is that as a liquid cools, it has more capacity to absorb gases like CO2. Apparently, this takes a few days for the CO2 pressure in the head space to balance with the pressure of CO2 in the beer. I think this is true of kegs too. So you might find that the beer will be better carbonated after a few days in the fridge although I wouldn’t complain about an inch thick head of foam!