Are you kidding…I took a vacation to go on a brewery tour for that exact reason. If you ever get a chance go to Cali on a brewery tour. I hit 14 breweries there and it was awesome !
Russian River
Iron Fist
Lost Abbey
Ballast Point
Green Flash
I would love to go on a brewery tour vacation. My wife would too, in fact, but even though my 6 year old loves to help me stir my boil, I doubt it’s time to take the family vacation from one brewery to the next at this point.
As for Florida brews? Well, I was dead set on getting my some Lazy Magnolia Southern Pecan. One of my all time favorites. My wife loves the Sweetwater and both of these breweries are not available in the state of Ohio. Terrapin, out of Athens, GA was a tip given to me by someone at Wine World in Destin, FL.
By the way, if you are vacationing in Destin you should stop by Chans Wine World. They have a great selection, knowledgable staff, and tastings on Wednesdays. They actually ordered my case of Southern Pecan while I was in town for me, because only a few stores sold it by the six pack.