Using rye

This is a minor thing just looking for a some input

heres what i have for a 2.5 gal batch

3.5 # 2 row
1# rye malt
2oz crystal rye

.5 mt hood 60
.25 saaz 15

At 20% would the rye malt alone be noticable, ive never used it? Im debating adding .5 pound flaked rye and dropping .5 pound of two row. Leave it as is or add the flaked?

My advice… try 40% rye in either form. It is great stuff – you won’t be sorry – and at 40% it is certainly noticeable. I just made another 40% rye beer and it is one of the best beers I have ever made. It is not spicy so much as it is earthy and bready, and it will give you the creamiest head you have ever seen.

If I add the 1/2 # flaked along with the rye malt i’d be at 30 %. Any preferce on flaked vs rye malt. What form did you use in your beer?

I personally like about 30% rye. If I want a rye beer I wouldn’t go lower than 20% and 40% would most certainly get you accustomed to the taste. I just used flaked rye for the first time in a stout but I tend to go with the grain. I’ve been using Briess Rye lately, not sure if I like that more than the Weyermann yet. Kind of have been alternating and don’t do enough rye beers in a row to really be able to tell which one I like more.

I use malted rye. I imagine the flaked rye will give you a slightly different character, but I have not used it enough to know exactly what the flavor differences might be. 30% rye is probably good enough to get a good feel for it. Just don’t be afraid to use even more!

Rye is sticky sticky stuff, and doesn’t have a husk. I highly recommend you throw in some rice hulls.

+100 to that!

If you brew in a bag, you can skip the rice hulls. Otherwise, yes, they are a very good idea. I know Denny says he never uses rice hulls and things turn out just fine. But sometimes I think that guy is on something… :lol:

I’ve never used rice hulls either and haven’t had problems. I use the ten gallon rubbermaid coolers and just run off really slow. Seems to work and have yet to have much of a problem.

anyone used unmalted rye? A buddy has 10# he said i could have

+100 to that![/quote]

It all depends on your system. I have no problem using large amounts of rye.

+100 to that![/quote]

It all depends on your system. I have no problem using large amounts of rye.[/quote]

I think you’d recognize my system, cause it looks a lot like yours. :slight_smile:

I dunno, I had a bad experience with a Rogenbier once (something like 60% rye) and vowed never again. Throwing in a little bit of rice hull doesn’t seem to hurt anything, and if nothing else makes me feel better.