hello all, Last summer I experimented with growing hops. I ended up with two pretty strong bines growing up from my ground level up to my second floor deck. I honestly do not recall which variety they were, I got them mixed up along the way after I started them in pots and then re-planted them in the ground. They are either Cenntenial or Cascade, not too different.
anyway I have a few ziplock freezer baggies of them in the freezer and was wondering what to do with them. I have just started doing some small batch kit brewing using kits from NB. Can I substitute some of my flower hops for the pellets in a kit? If so, how much do I need to equal the same amount of pellet hops? I have not tried true “grain” brewing yet.
or if anyone has any other cool ideas…potpourri… cooking, etc…
Also what do I need to do for these plants next spring I cut down the bines but I left the rizomes in the ground.
Generally 6oz fresh hops equates to 1oz dry hops. 1.25 oz dried leaf hops equates to 1oz hop pellets.
You can put some hops in your pillowcase to encourage sound sleeping, steep them in hot water to make hop tea, or throw a few into your bath water to soak up the hoppy aroma.
[quote=“abrown001”]Generally 6oz fresh hops equates to 1oz dry hops. 1.25 oz dried leaf hops equates to 1oz hop pellets.
You can put some hops in your pillowcase to encourage sound sleeping, steep them in hot water to make hop tea, or throw a few into your bath water to soak up the hoppy aroma.[/quote]
If you didn’t dry them before freezing, then they may or may not have survived well, but if they did then the 6:1 ratio is about right. I’ve never heard of a leaf hops to hop pellet conversion. They are pretty much used interchangeably, except that leaf will absorb more wort, enough so that it can be significant if you are brewing extremely hoppy beers.