If I sanitized a container and a sifter before hand. Would it be ok to poor the fermented 1 gallon batch into the container through the sifter to avoid any grunge in the bottling process? I ran into the situation of coming across a few pieces in the bottles after the last batch I made.
That may introduce o2 to the beer. Best to siphon the beer to a bottling bucket with a piece of straining material on the end of your siphon tube
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If you do this you will significantly oxidize your beer! You can put a sanitized nylon hop bag on the racking cane or the tubing to catch any hop particles that might be transferred.
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Flars does this. He posted a pic in another thread but I’m so doggone tech challenged I can’t get it here. It’s under beer gear “dry hopping without a bag”
Dry hopping without a bag - #6 by flars
aside: the above link has an extra space at the start of the line. Leaving out the leading space will result in a different layout. Why does the editing window needs to be so complicated?
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