Thermometer Through Brew Kettle Lid

I have a BIAB setup and have been trying to figure out how to get a thermometer into the kettle without interfering with the strainer and bag. It just hit me, why not through the lid. This should get temperatures from the center of the kettle. Is there any reason why a Frothing Thermometer inserted through a grommet in the lid wouldn’t work?

I wouldn’t because I never put the lid on my kettle. When do you put the lid on your kettle? Do you ever have DMS/DMSO off flavors?

I,d give it a try as its a mash you want it covered if you can for heat retention…Should,nt have to worry about Lid till wort boil…Tank… :cheers:

Just for mashing. Interesting point about boiling, I didn’t know having a lid on while boiling would create off flavors (DMS/DMSO). Thanks for that info. I have used a lid to get an even boil when it’s windy.

Just for mashing. Interesting point about boiling, I didn’t know having a lid on while boiling would create off flavors (DMS/DMSO). Thanks for that info. I have used a lid to get an even boil when it’s windy.[/quote]

Accepted practice is not to cover during the boil. If you must for fear of foreign objects getting blown in or to keep a consistent boil you should leave at least 10% uncovered. I’ve boiled many times with the kettle 3/4 covered and never had issue with DMS or off flavors that I could attribute to the lid being partially on.

I stick a thermometer through a foam lid when doing biab. I also stick it in the cooler/tun. Never thought about it being a problem. Never during a boil though.

Just for mashing. Interesting point about boiling, I didn’t know having a lid on while boiling would create off flavors (DMS/DMSO). Thanks for that info. I have used a lid to get an even boil when it’s windy.[/quote]

Dooooohhh, I should have known from your picture and post that you were doing this for the mash!

I’m not sure how big of an issue it is for the boil but I would rather be safe than sorry. I also think pilsner malt is supposed to be more prone to the problem.

Just for mashing. Interesting point about boiling, I didn’t know having a lid on while boiling would create off flavors (DMS/DMSO). Thanks for that info. I have used a lid to get an even boil when it’s windy.[/quote]

Accepted practice is not to cover during the boil. If you must for fear of foreign objects getting blown in or to keep a consistent boil you should leave at least 10% uncovered. I’ve boiled many times with the kettle 3/4 covered and never had issue with DMS or off flavors that I could attribute to the lid being partially on.[/quote]

Typical possion of the lid when I’m boiling.