Well I got a couple books for X-mas and been thumbing though them…has anyone ever brewed the DandyLion recipe in this book or something similar? Should I plan on just straight drain cleaner or is it worth the experiment? I guess that would be a Specialty beer entry Bjcp - 23.
Ok now you have me curious. At least to the point where I googled it.
Looks like a lot of breweries are brewing with these. I dunno though, looks like a long time to boil dandelions. I don’t recall the specific bitterness of dandelions (or dandelion greens, which are more common in food), but I would think that they are somewhere in the realm of arugala, so you might get some bitterness from them.
I would almost be more worried about a pound of vegetal matter in my boil for an hour. However, when using other herbs (gale, yarrow, mugwort, etc), or whole (wet) hops, I believe you need a good amount of them.
Brew it and let us know how it tastes, but please don’t pick them from your lawn after TruGreen comes to your house. Though I suppose there are worse chemicals sprayed on hops!
I can’t help you with the brewing portion, but I had a dandelion ipa from stone at there farm and it was pretty good. From what I remember I don’t think I would have guessed it had dandelions if I did t know. I think they impart mostly bitterness.