Steam Kolsch

No, I have not created a new type of beer, as cool as that would be.

I have a kolsch that’s been in the secondary for a month and is cleaning up nicely, and a steam that is just finishing up primary. As I have no empty kegs anyways right now, I was going to rack the steam to a secondary and let it sit for a while.

So my question is can I drop the temp on my fridge for secondary for both beers without compromising either. The temperature right now is set at 58. I was going to drop the temp to about 45 and let them both sit for another month or so.

Any suggestions on what temperature would be best for both?

I would condition both of them as cold as you can, cold aging will never hurt any beer, especially if you’re kegging.

Sounds good. I’ll set the temp in the mid 30s and let it roll. Thanks for the input.