Spring Snowstorm Porter

Big nasty snowstorm here in Downeast Maine. Nothing going on at work, and since I’m the boss, I went home early. Mostly because I remembered that I had a Loghouse Honey Porter ready to go that I was going to brew this coming Saturday. It was kind of cool brewing in the garage looking out into the teeth of a nasty Spring snowstorm. Hence the new name for this batch.
All in all, a GOOD day! :beers:

You’re just barley on the edge of Spring but I’ll give you a pass on that.

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While waiting for the snow to start yesterday here on Long Island, I brewed my “Vernal Equinox Ale”. Simple beer with 50/50 of 2 row and vienna and 3 oz of Fuggle hops. S-04 yeast. Should be a nice mellow beer. I was trying to get away from the heavily hopped beers I have been making through the winter.

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Great pun - I barley got it squeegeethree.

I’m not prone to punning I think that was more of a Freudian slip. :grin:

Just curious where is down east Maine. My wifes family lives near Augusta. Where going out there in June for her nephew Graduation.

Opinions vary, but generally considered starting at either Bucksport or Ellsworth, continuing on ‘up the coast’ to the Canadian border. Downeast refers back to the sailing era when sailing from Boston to Maine you would be sailing ‘downwind’. I’m near Acadia Ntl. Park.
If you’ll be near Augusta, take a couple extra days and head out to the coast. Pretty much anywhere is pretty. And if you take more than that, head on upstate to Baxter State Park(Katahdin). Hard to see, but my avatar was taken at Baxter.

I will definitely have to check that out. The wife says it’s beautiful. In about three years we are moving there once kids are done with school. I already been checking for home brew shops lol getting little head start.

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