Shelf life of crushed grains in a NB kit?

How long will the crushed grains in a Norther Brewer (Speckled Hefer partial mash kit) stay fresh?

I bought this kit 2 months ago and have not gotten to brewing it…hope to brew it by the end of January. That would mean about 3 months. They’ve been stored in a cool, dry, dar place, and in the original bag.

Are these too old to make a quality, fresh beer?


Just an opinion. I have Speckled Heifer going on two months old. Had new yeast delivered yesterday. Will brew this coming week. The grains are not as fresh as when they were crushed, so there may be some change in resulting flavor. The change in flavor is probably negligible, but on the other hand could make a better tasting brew. Will only be known by someone with a very discerning palate. I’m not worried.

I ordered 4 kits (AG/crushed) a few yeast ago. Brewed the lighter beers 1st and the dark ones last. The last beer was a Porter and was in the 4 month range.

I doubt you will have an issue with this one.

Thanks for the input here

Uncrushed grains for future use, I store in gallon ziplocks with an O2 absorber(from used pill vials), the whole thing in a sealed tote. Crushed grains I store in the ziplock in the freezer.
I had some crushed I got back in August from a LHBS in Vermont that I didn’t use until December. Looked good, smelled good, converted well. No problemo