Sessionable Rye Beer

I’m thinking of doing a sessionable rye beer - nothing fancy just easy drinking with a slight hop punch

My recipe off the top of my head:

6# 2-row, 1# Caramel 60l, 1# Rye (more?)

I’ve got homegrown Cascades which I’ll bitter to 40 IBU with a ounce or two at flameout

I’ve got 1056 on hand


Shoot for 15-20% of your fermentables from rye if you want to be able to taste it.

I’ve been thinking about brewing NB’s American Rye Ale

Anybody tried it yet?

Looks easy and decent enough. I’d say up the rye a bit. I personally like it a lot so I’d go 20% or more but if you’re unsure I’d hit 15% at least.

NB’s American Rye looks good and pretty similar. I’d drink either.

With any rye beer, don’t be afraid to use 20-40% rye if you want to taste it. Only other thing is to make sure you throw in at least a half pound, if not a full pound, of rice hulls, as rye is very sticky.

Maybe…I’ve brewed a LOT of rye beers, up to 40% rye. Nver used hulls, never had a stuck run off. It really depends on your brewing equipment.