Hi Northern Brewer,
First time poster here.
Our group has significantly upped our rate of brewing. I’ve read about pitching beer on top of yeast cakes, and that often it is over-pitching and will lead to yeast-bite or over-attenuation (are those the same thing). It is recommended that you remove the yeast and then use the 1/3 of the yeast cake.
I had a few questions:
How do you physically do this and maintain sanitation? Should I sanitize the top of the fermenter and pour it out into a clean flask, the wash the fermenter, and put the yeast back in?
It is okay to use the entire yeast cake for big beers, like an imperial stout or a barleywine? Are there rough guidelines for what OG would be best for using the whole yeast cake?
Can I use a yeast cake, if there is one, from a secondary fermentation? I know that it is often smaller, obviously, but is there any way to judge that its enough or too much by volume.
Can I use a yeast cake to pitch a cider onto. Has anyone ever done this and what are their results?