Secondary fermentation

I have a batch of Chinook IPA brewing and in a few days I need to dry hop
it and at the moment I do not have anything to use as a secondary. Is it
ok to dry hop in the primary? Thanks for your help.

this is where I tell my wife, “going down to the Home Brew store” …

Yep, I almost never use a secondary and dryhop in the primary all the time. A cold-crash before racking to keg or bottling will drop the hops and make it easy to transfer clear beer.

+1 Yes hahahah or I end up going to craig’s list and buying a carboy, just recently made a good score 2 six gallon carboy’s w/ handles and temperature sticker and a 3 gallon corny. I paid 55 for the lot.

+1 Yes hahahah or I end up going to craig’s list and buying a carboy, just recently made a good score 2 six gallon carboy’s w/ handles and temperature sticker and a 3 gallon corny. I paid 55 for the lot.[/quote]



What if you are unable to cold crash? I set my carboys in a big plastic tote and use cold water and towels to control temps. I have no way of dropping temps to low 40’s. How would hi dry hop in secondary, and be able to leave all the hop residue behind?

[quote=“stitch giver fan”]How would hi dry hop in secondary, and be able to leave all the hop residue behind?[/quote]Use a bag with weights. Or dryhop with whole hops and slip a piece of nylon stocking over the inlet side of the racking cane to keep stray leaves from clogging.