Sanatize orange peel

So did pick up yesterday Orange peel from the restaurant at work. Did put them in the fridge at home for tuessday brew session. Got only the peel so now my question do i need to sanatize before adding them to the boil. Or. Wash them more than enough. Think boil them in hot water. I will lose the orange flav ???

I’m sure there are lots of ideas but I’d chop 'em up and soak 'em in vodka. Use just enough to cover them and pitch the whole works.

If you going to add preboil, you need not do anything else… Post boil… You need to do something… Sneezles61

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Me gonna add them the last 5 or 10 min. Into the boil

I’m not sure I like the taste of the pith in peels. So I use a micro planer to just get the zest. I prefer it… I think… it’s been a long time since I did just the whole peel.

They’ll get de-bugged then… Sneezles61

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