I just ordered the ryePA extract kit…I like the schedule for the Denny’s Wry Smile, but I have some stuff on hand that I thought I would use and see what happens by just using the ryePA kit.
I have 4 pounds of clover honey, 1 pound of brown sugar or corn sugar (I can use either), and 10 or so ounces of cascade leaf hops that’s want to use up. Now, my questions are when I should make my additions of extract, hops, sugar and honey.
Here’s what I had in mind…let me know what you think
0.5lbsBriessCaramel80 - 20 minute steep
First wort hop - 1 ounce Cascade
3.15 rye malt
60 minute addition - 1 ounce Summit
30 minute addition - 2 ounces Cascade
25 minute addition - 1 ounce Palisade
20 minute addition - 2 ounces Cascade
15 minute addition - 1 ounce Palisade and 6 pound rye malt
0 minute addition - 2 ounces Cascade and 4 pound honey
Dry hop addition - 2 ounces Cascade
It won’t use up all my hops, but it’ll be fun. As I’ve said in my previous posts, I still pretty new at this, but I thought it would work. I thought I’d post it here before I acted and don’t plan on brewing till this weekend, so let your thoughts fly!