Rye IPA with Falconer's Flight hops?

I am formulating a recipe through BeerSmith, I am using NB’s all-grain RyePA grain bill but using different hops. I really want to try Zythos and Falconer’s Flight in a beer so I wanted to know if Falconer’s Flight would make a good flavor/aroma hop for a rye beer?

I am using Warrior for bittering but adding Falconer’s Flight at 20, 15, 10, 5, and 0 min (Flame out).

Also I was considering using a little Warrior at 30 min but have only used it for a bittering hop. Has anyone used it later as a flavor or aroma hop?

Any advice/suggestions would be appreciated; cheers!

Warrior is a beast of a bittering hop. If you’re adding some at 60 I doubt you’ll need more at 30 without way overshooting your target IBUs. I’ve never used Falconer’s Flight (although I want to as well) but this description sounds good for a Rye:

Description: Tropical Fruit, Citrus, floral, lemon and Grapefruit character (the best of the best)
Typical Beer Styles: American pale, amber, American IPA, IBA, Black IPA etc. (pretty much anything you want awesome hop character in)

Yes, FF should be good in late additions to an IPA, rye or not. I would skip the 30-min Warrior addition and go heavy on the late FF additions.


1 ounce Warrior @ 60, then FF bombs @ 20, 15, 10, 5, FO. For an added bonus, add a bit of FF @ FWH.

Thanks everyone for the advice, I really appreciate it! I will ditch the Warrior 30 min addition and just do a ton of late additions with the FF. I am a fan of FWH so I just may add a little FF as a first wort addition.


The Rye Ale I made with FF hops came out great. I really like these hops and will use them again!

Good deal! Glad to hear it. I love it when people come back with updates. I love to rock the rye so I may have to try these out. Got a Red rye coming up, a rye pilsner (ryesner?) lagering, and a rye stout I just fermented

Yeah I really enjoy the taste of rye beers too. I have wanted to make a rye stout but have yet to make one. I pretty much used NB RyePA all grain recipe but converted the OG to 1.050 for my Falconer’s Golden Rye Ale.

just curious, what percentage of rye do you use in your grain bill? My latest RIPA is finishing up and it is extremely tasty, but I only used about 30% rye and am not sure if I get a whole lot of spice/richness from it.

I only used 22% rye malt in my recipe but for my tastes, I will use more next time.


Description: Tropical Fruit, Citrus, floral, lemon and Grapefruit character (the best of the best)
Typical Beer Styles: American pale, amber, American IPA, IBA, Black IPA etc. (pretty much anything you want awesome hop character in)[/quote]

I had a 6.5% wheat beer with F F hops at 30 IBUs or so that was really good.