Reyeasting my pre prohabation

Being I have the pre pro in the 2 ferm , do I need to re yeast to bottle and keg for carbonation. I was thinking, that I would put beer in my bucket, and pitch some yeast and a gentle stir. Let set for 10 15 min and rack. Or will this cloud it up? My other idea, was to put beer in my bucket, dump off the ferm. What was left on the bottom of the ferm reuse that to re yeast. My refrig. is around 34-36

Not too sure what you need to re-yeast for. You didn’t filter, did you? Just simply add yer sugar to yer brew and stir very gently and package. There will be plenty yeast in suspension. Sneezles61


Unless you’ve lagered that beer for 6+ months, you have plenty of yeast as @sneezles61 said.

Bottle condition at room temps then lager it away!

Did not filter. I read somewhere about re yeasting. Had in my head and inexperience spoke. It has been a long time since I did a lager. Thank you for your time to all.