Priming yeast how much?

Nb’s Barley Wine extract kit has been in secondary for 6.5 months, and now it’s time to bottle. Do you just use a whole packet of yeast in the bottling bucket in addition with the sugar? Any personal experience would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

It is covered in this NB info on ‘Advanced Bottle Conditioning’. You need very, very little dry yeast.

Thank you, I didn’t know the correct verbage to get me there. Thanks.

2-3 grams is all you need.

This is why I have a flat spot on my forehead(repeated pounding on the desk). In the words of RR “trust but verify”. The advice I got from NB directly is the amount of yeast doesn’t matter, and since I’ve opened the packet put it all in. The primary contributor to the carbonation is the amount of sugar. You may have a higher amount of residue in the bottle, but once the sugar is consumed the yeasties will die, and drop. makes sense to me. I will limit the yeast to a smaller amount just to limit the residue as these are for Christmas presents.

I’m about to bottle my first barley wine extract kit as well but was wondering how much sugar to use. The NB instructions seem to indicate a normal amount of corn sugar but I’ve read that it is better to add less to higher gravity beers like barley wines. Any advice or tips?

I take no credit for the below information…compliments of Kristen England on our HBC message board

1e5 cells per ml x 1.9e4ml (read 5gal) = 1.9e9 cells needed

Nottingham = 5e9 cells per gram

1.9e9 cells needed/ 5e9 cells per gram = .38 grams

11g yeast per packet / 0.38g per 5 gal batch = ~29 5 gallon batches of beer to carbonate per packet of yeast

As u see, The math says u are adding way to much. For u guys without the proper scale I give u…

1/4tsp dry yeast =~0.71g

0.71g per 1/4tsp / 0.38 g needed per 5 gal = ~2x more

Bloom 1/4 tsp dry yeast in 1 cup tepid water, add 0.5cup to bottling bucket, dump the other half

[quote=“JAH_191XX”]…but I’ve read that it is better to add less to higher gravity beers like barley wines.[/quote]I like my BWs to be in the mid-range for carbonation to help keep the body a little lighter, but if you want to emphasize the malt and make it “smoother” you could drop a bit of the sugar to tone it down.

[quote=“dsidab81”]Bloom 1/4 tsp dry yeast in 1 cup tepid water, add 0.5cup to bottling bucket, dump the other half[/quote]Or assume a 50% kill rate from rehydrating in beer and just sprinkle the 1/4 tsp on top.

I guess that cuts one step out Shade!!