Pouring a hefeweizen

what is the best way to pour a hefeweizen to make sure all the yeast ends up in suspension. I’ve tried the inverted pour which looks cool but it doesn’t do a great job at getting all of the yeast. I’ve tried pouring half or so and swirling the bottle but it seems like I have to swirl it pretty vigorously to stir up the yeast. Sometimes when I pour the yeast is pretty chunky. I wanted more banana flavor and aroma. Next time I will use liquid yeast and higher temp. The danstar munich dry yeast optimum temp was 55-66. I wanted to stick to the temp range since it was my first attempt at a hefeweizen.

When I pour hefe I pour all but about the last couple ounces, swirl it up, and pour the rest in. The banana esters will come from a warm fermentation temperature (around 68 beer temp) and Weihenstephaner yeast. You could also try a semi-open fermentation as well.