Pot filler

So I’m in the middle of construction for my electric brewery / Pub in my basement. I’m in the mechanical stage. Plumbing, electrical, ventilation etc.and I was thinking of adding a pot filler faucet. I did some looking online at other peoples setups and i have’nt seen one with this faucet. Am I missing something? I’ve been brewing with tap water that has been run through a charcoal filter to take out the clorine but I know that I can declorinate using a tablet. The water part of brewing is not my strong suite yet (there is a lot of knowledge that I still need to learn. I have sent a sample out to get a complete water profile for my tap water so I will have a better understanding of how my particular water affects my beer.
What are you guys/gals using for your water. And do you think the pot filler is a good/bad idea?


Aren’t projects fun?! I just finished constructing a condensate hood for my basement brewery today. Also bought supplies to run my new electrical outlets yesterday. Trying to go DIY for all this stuff to save $. Thank God for Google!
I use distilled water currently for my brews, but may go back to tap water eventually. When I had my sink installed, I added a standard hose faucet on the side. My sink faucet runs through charcoal filtering, the hose outlet does not, so it still has plenty of power.

I’m planning an outdoor brew kitchen and it is definitely getting a pot filler.

The pot filler is a great idea. Can be installed right over the stove, just make sure you get a good quality, all metal filler. They can be expensive, but well worth it, I think.



I plan on installing a commercial grade rince faucet right over the deep basin laundry sink with an extra long braided hose to reach my pots for filling and also washing my equipment.

I am installing a commercial stainless sink with a built in drain board and the prewash sprayer. Cleaning up the boil pot should be pretty straight forward. It will be close enough for the prewash sprayer to reach, but what do you guys do about the mash tun? I currently just dump the spent grains into a garbage can with a plastic bag. I’m moving from a 10 gal kettle to a 15 gal so I’m sure that still manageable but I’m wondering what everyone else does. I thought about a shop vac but that would come with a clean up nightmare all in itself. I am wide open to suggestions.



I use tap water from the laundry tub (right inside the garage door) and through a RV hose into the HLT. Then I use a campden tab to remove the chloramine.