Pitching Krausen

well I brewed yesterday and am brewing today. Pitched my last sachet yesterday. original plan was to pitch on the cake but need the yeast now. I’ll scoop 2 or 3 cups off the top and pitch that. anyone do this ?

I bottom crop from the cake all the time but have never done this. Keep us posted on the results. This technique could be handy if the results are effective. Which yeast strain are you using?

Yes, it worked fine. I don’t do back to back brews any more so haven’t in a long time. I worried about contamination,popping the top off my SS bucket, but didn’t get a bum batch.

well of course it will work, my question was more about how much to scoop out. I cooled the wort to the exact temperature of the fermenting beer then scooped out about a liter of Krausen and wort and pitched it. It hasn’t affected the original beer that’s going like gangbusters. The second pitch is started but hasn’t ramped up yet about 18 hrs in.

if you don’t open the lid how do you add dry hops. I believe the safest time to open it is during high krausen

DH’ed when kegged… BUT… later on, put a 2” tri-clover on the lid of my SS bucket fermenter. Heck, even my Tilt can be dropped through that port, which was forgotten at times… /:

well the school of thought now is to dry hop at high krausen. I do to all my IPA a high krausen charge and then a keg charge. especially on a hop beast IPA. Firstly get a bunch of the hop material out when kegging then get some fresh in at kegging

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