I bought some pin lock kegs thinking I could easily convert them to ball lock. I ordered new fittings and they’re too big. What are the standard fitting sizes for each?
“Standard” is a little hard to say. I have a mix of kegs… the Firestone Challenger turns up like a bad penny, with weird posts, and a stupid warped plastic gas dip tube that I can’t replace.
Perfect! I assume one can get ball lock and pin lock in whatever sizes. I think I need to take the old pin locks to the hardware store and size them. I figured it was too easy to be true… LOL Thanks!
Ive read somewhere about the different sizes of gas threads for the kegs… Some how you have to ask the PC about the soda kegs and you’ll find more answers than brews you can drink in a day! You really need to know whoms keg you have, then you’ll know… 9/16" 11/32" Diameter and a few more… oh yeah 32 threads per inch or 24? Crazy some of the things you can find… Sneezles61
Who knew?! LOL
Pin locks are shorter so the liquid dip tubes can’t be swapped unless you cut a ball lock tube. I have a ball lock with a pin lock dip tube that has a short piece of tubing added to reach the bottom.
Funny how similar they all look even though the hardware may not be.
It’s a conspiracy just like VHS and betamax.