pH Testers

I’ve read a ton of conflicting information about pH strips, and pH testers.

I was considering the colorPhast strips, but they are fairly expensive, and I heard some mixed reviews.

What do you use and why do you recommend it?

I used to use the ColorpHast strips. They’re really the only ones worth using. I decided it was a PITA so I bought a meter.

^^^^^ same here. Got a cheap Milwaukee aquarium meter and used it happily for a couple of years, then recently upgraded to a Milwaukee pH56, wish I had done so sooner.

I still use the ColorpHast strips. I’ve just never found the need to purchase a pH meter.

They are a little pricey, but you can get them here pretty cheap and with free shipping.

I use a Hanna Inst. 98127.

[quote=“Legman”]I still use the ColorpHast strips. I’ve just never found the need to purchase a pH meter.

They are a little pricey, but you can get them here pretty cheap and with free shipping.
+1. The link that Legman posted is the cheapest I can find on the web… about $19 for 100 strips and personally, I think the strips are very good. Some people will tell you that all strips are garbage while others will tell you that a meter is only if you’re trying to fine-tune something specific. I have started my mash and had a slightly high pH (according to the ColorpHast strips) so I will add maybe ½ ml of lactic acid and measure again and you can clearly see the difference in the color of the pad on the strip.

Here’s the thing about the strips though (and anyone who knows that this is not correct… please correct me): They read differently at mash temps than room temp. I always measure at mash temp so the strip will show about .3 lower than the actual pH. So I try to dial in around 5.0 on the key on the box. 5.0 should equate to a pH of 5.3 at mash temp. I have never taken a small amount of the mash liquid, allowed it to cool to room temp and then take the pH reading. I just dip into the mash and read it. Seems to work well.

[quote=“Ken Lenard”] I always measure at mash temp so the strip will show about .3 lower than the actual pH. So I try to dial in around 5.0 on the key on the box. 5.0 should equate to a pH of 5.3 at mash temp. I have never taken a small amount of the mash liquid, allowed it to cool to room temp and then take the pH reading. I just dip into the mash and read it. Seems to work well.[/quote] This is the same method I use as well. Works just fine in my opinion.

Not only do the strips read different at mash temp (BTW< Martin says you should always measure at room temp), but the ColorpHast strips themselves need a correction. Kai’s website seems to be down at the moment, but you can check there for his info on the subject.

ETA: Ahhh, here’s some info from Martin… ... #msg174325

[quote=“Denny”]Not only do the strips read different at mash temp (BTW< Martin says you should always measure at room temp), but the ColorpHast strips themselves need a correction. Kai’s website seems to be down at the moment, but you can check there for his info on the subject.

ETA: Ahhh, here’s some info from Martin… ... #msg174325[/quote]

Whoa! That is the first time I have ever heard that you need to keep the strip in the solution for at least 1 minute. Never, never, never. It would be VERY interesting to measure the pH (especially of one of my pale worts) by leaving the strip in there for 1-2 minutes. I wonder if my pH readings have been off. Denny, I’ll probably post this over on the BlueBoard for no other reason than to share it and see what they think. Cheers.