Palmers oaked mild partial mash

I recently purchased this kit but I realized it did not come with any oak chips or spirals to be added to the secondary. If this is an oaked mild would it need an oak seasoning or is this not needed? I just want to create this one in its best outcome.


It’s a SMOKED mild, but I bet a little oak in there would be good.

This is my next brew up…think I may add some oak. Thanks!!!

Brewed this kit this weekend. I toasted the oats for about 12 min @ 355*. Mashed in @ 156.8, and mashed out @ 152.9*. Sparged with 170* H2O. Then boil, cool, pitched US-05 @ 63.8*. I’m seeing some Krausen and all looks good so far. This was my 1st attempt at a PM, so finger crossed!!! I’ll keep y’all posted as this one comes to completion.

Can’t wait to try it, I’ve been wanting to brew this onr for some time now. :cheers:

She’s thumping away in the fermenter as we speak. Going like gang-busters. I’ll leave it alone for three weeks or more, then bottle condition.

Did I say I can’t wait to try this one!!! :cheers:

Just brought the fermenter up to 72* for a week for a D-rest, then on to bottling.

Did I say I really want to try this beer??

Bottled on the 11th. Now we wait to carb. I’m tempted to try one when I get home from work tonight…Did I say that I really want to try this beer… :lol:

FWIW, the sample I tried after bottling was very good. Smoke in the nose of the beer, a little in the flavor profile. Nice and malty.

Just hurry up and carb already!!!

THIS BEER ROCKS!!! Everything I’ve ever wanted in a dark Mild. My only problem is I can’t make and age enough to keep it in permanent rotation. I think I have a beer collecting problem.

+1 to FHUNT!!! this beer is great!! Nice malt backbone with a little smoke in the finish, just a highly drinkable beer. Mine has been bottled for three two weeks now and is still a bit “raw”, it could use some more time in the bottle to condition and come into it’s own. I have a feeling it’ll be mostly gone before it gets there.

I think I may just brew another batch this weekend so my stockpile is large enough to allow some more conditioning time. More beer, what a problem I have…the struggle is real :lol:

Ps…I really enjoy this beer and WILL be making it again, probably going into house rotation :cheers: