Oktoberfest thread

Similarly, busy here with visitors. Getting the beach place ready for company twice this month. Hopefully things will clear out soon and I can get back to brewing. ……likely brew another big IPA then maybe a Festbier so I’m glad you dug this thread back up.

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Yes need to get going on some seasonals. Make a pumpkin ale again. Speaking of which I recently had a pumpkin ale at a farmers market. Firefly Brewery noted for pastry beers. They make a canoli beer also. I don’t really like them because they are to sweet but they are good for a taste. They nail the flavors. They make regular beer also but a good marketing strategy I suppose. My pumpkin ale is not sweet or spicy

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I ALWAYS make an Oktoberfest. This year though the party was pushed back. :woman_in_manual_wheelchair: I’ll have a Helles as well. The third is always different. Thinking festbier this year so people can see the difference. Although I often think about doing something hoppy although it wouldn’t necessarily fit the theme :joy:

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Surprise gift from my cousin from the Twin Cities who brought this down to me via Wisconsin. You can only get this stuff in Wisconsin apparently….

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I love and hate this pic at the same time. The beer, good. The glass :-1:. :joy:
Like Staghorn tho. Pretty good Oktoberfest. Makes sense because IIRC Dan Carey studied in Germany.

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Go Bucks!!

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Hey, hope you are prepared for the incoming storm…
Be safe!!

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Thanks! Working on it……

How are you making out? My neighbor sent a group text with some photos and the only damage was one bush in the front blew over. The canal looks high but not much more than a king tide.

Too Early to tell. The worst weather is supposed to hit here around 2 to 4 AM tonight. Spent most of the morning trying to get the yard ready for this storm. Not taking it lightly. Bands are coming through now. Brewery is full of potted plants, lol. As you probably knew nearly a cat five at landfall so we will definitely get something. Notice the boat in the picture, That just blew in a couple hours ago from across the river


That post was last night so I hope all is well this morning.

Our boat is in rack storage in Marathon. No sense calling to check on it since they never return my calls :rage:

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I hope not too much damage…but seeing the winds and the amount of water in the streets and such… dear lord, there will be many peeps living a nightmare for a while…

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Thankful to report that we are fine. Very lucky here compared to others in the State. We have power, no significant damage, and the eye passed right over us. Literally. Southwest Florida took the brunt of this thing.


Glad things are well for you. Hope everyone can get back to normal soon!

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Glad all is well Voodoo.

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Yard all cleaned up here from Ian……(again, we were so lucky), so made a trip to the beer store for some Fall brews!


How did those Ultra get in there? :grin:

My better half likes the Dogfish Head Punkin’ Ale. I got her a sixer before we headed south. She tends to try to consume all 6 in one night. Makes for a short one.

We are now at our southern most location so I got my own sixer of Coppertail Unholy. Not an Octoberfest or pumpkin beer but I like it and it is one of my “short evening” beers.


[quote=“hd4mark, post:77, topic:30027, full:true”]
How did those Ultra get in there? :grin:[/quote]
Saw those. Bit my tongue. I didn’t want to judge. :man_shrugging::joy:

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I know, I know. :man_facepalming:t2:

It’s the sign of…. hhhmmm…
I have trended more towards the smaller brews too…
EDIT: had 2 Guinness brews… actually, enjoyable too.

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