Hello, made a 47 pale mild extract kit yestetday,everything went well,added 1 pound orange blossom honey at flameout,did use new oxygenation 2.0 kit to aerate ,aerated with oxygen tank for 1 minute this morning no fermentation at all no head on beer whatsoevet,never had this happen before temp at 68, any thoughts
This is not an excessively long lag time for some yeasts. Lag times can also be longer when the yeast is underpitched extending the growth phase before active fermentation can begin.
Which yeast did you use and what was the estimated number of cells pitched? Pitching one smack pack of Wyeast without a starter would be under pitching for this beer.
Used 1098 British ale yeast,did ask at store and was told 1 smack pack would be more than enough for this kit
It is possible for this 1.036 estimated OG beer that one smack could have started a quick fermentation if the yeast was fresh. Liquid yeast loses viability faster than dry yeast, especially if it wasn’t stored properly. This is the pitch rate/starter calculator I like to use. The built in viability estimator seems to be one of the best ones available.
Or WY 1068 is just a low to start yeast. It has been awhile since I used it.
Did you make a starter. With a starter. Should be within 14 hours activity. You got krausen going on .or your temp is to cold. So your yeast goes to sleep